
  1. M

    Marijuana CBD

    I hope I'm not breaking any rules by this post but I am having trouble finding a Colorado dispensary that sells CBD oil with THC, not hemp oil. I am a disabled vietnam vet with more than my share of aches and pains and would like to locate a source of non hemp based CBD oil. I've read that there...
  2. I


    I have been stumped trying to locate xj-13 seed. Is there some reason the seed is so hard to locate. I'm starting my 3rd year (in Oregon it's legal for us to grow)- and this is a strain I am really fond of. Any ideas of where to go - I've searched all the ones I usually go to.
  3. DoubleO420


    Where is the best place to buy Fertilizers (quality and savings)? I'm looking for a 5-20-5 fertilizer for the flowering stage, still haven't been able to locate it, any help would be appreciated! :Namaste:
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