
  1. Katelyn Baker

    How One Injured Veteran Traded Opiate Painkillers For Medical Marijuana

    Stephen Mandile spent 10 years on a host of pills after he was injured in Iraq in 2005. Now, he uses medical marijuana to treat his pain and wants to help other vets get the same opportunity. One snowy day this past winter, Stephen Mandile did what lots of other homeowners did and snow-blowed...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    How One Injured Veteran Traded Opiate Painkillers For Medical Marijuana

    Stephen Mandile spent 10 years on a host of pills after he was injured in Iraq in 2005. Now, he uses medical marijuana to treat his pain and wants to help other vets get the same opportunity. One snowy day this past winter, Stephen Mandile did what lots of other homeowners did and snow-blowed...
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