north alantic seed co.

  1. Dirty Bird Plant Labels

    Dirty Bird Plant Labels

  2. Dirty Bird Genetics T Shirt

    Dirty Bird Genetics T Shirt

  3. IMG_5149 Dirty Mimosa.JPG

    IMG_5149 Dirty Mimosa.JPG

    12-7-23 8+ weeks veg
  4. g-one-three

    Starting From Zero

    I will finally be able to grow legally again starting soon as long as the politicians do not get in the way. I have been a member for probably 10 years and have always been creeping on and off. I have yet to totally complete a grow journal, though I have completed grows but the results were not...
  5. Dirty MimosaIMG_4991.JPG

    Dirty MimosaIMG_4991.JPG

    A bit of tip burn on first leaves but strong
  6. Dirty Mimosa IMG_4952.JPG

    Dirty Mimosa IMG_4952.JPG

    Dirty Mimosa by Dirty Bird Genetics Dropping seed
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