
  1. Ron Strider

    Ontario: Cannabis Survey Deadline July 31

    Former police officer and Hamilton Township Deputy Mayor Gary Woods asked that council support letting people know that the consultation period for matters surrounding the legalization of cannabis in Ontario is fast approaching. Individual members of the public and individual councilors can...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    PA: Medical Marijuana Plant May Open In Avis

    South Avis - The former modular home plant here may become home to a new industry for Pennsylvania. Christopher Woods, founder and owner of Terrapin Care Station, is already leasing 40,000 square feet in the newest section of the building, ready for a license from the state to produce medical...
  3. R

    A New, Older Face Of Medical Marijuana Found In Laguna Woods

    Tony Pierce was 21 when he smoked marijuana for the first time. It was an act of rebellion, recalled Pierce. "I thought I was going to hell. I remember feeling tired and then paranoid that my mother would somehow find out." Pierce, now 62, said he had to cut short a career as an Orange...
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