Boulder Prohibits Medical Marijuana ads Aimed at Youth, Recreational Users

Jacob Bell

New Member
The Boulder City Council sent a loud message to local medical marijuana dispensaries that they need to clean up their ads -- by passing an ordinance restricting advertising only to those who have a medical need for the drug.

An ordinance containing a rule against dispensaries advertising to youth or recreational users passed 8-0 Tuesday night on a final reading. Councilwoman KC Becker, who proposed the initial measure, was not present for the vote.

All of the council members said they were concerned about the tone of marijuana ads they felt were marketed to kids and recreational users.

"To deny that these advertisements appeal to youth sounds like the denials tobacco once made that Joe Camel was not aimed at young kids," said Councilman Macon Cowles. "I think the dispensaries need to know if they engage in that type of advertising, their license could be jerked."

The city's licensing clerk would be tasked with deciding whether an advertisement's target crosses the line between medical and recreational use.

Instead of being fined, businesses that the clerk believes have violated the new advertising rules would be held accountable when they come up to renew their business licenses.

Some parents said that's not enough.

"I do not want these people just waiting once a year," said Nancy West-McGuire, a parent of three. "It's not OK to advertise to attract young kids. I don't think it should just be leverage. In that one year we are waiting, kids are being impacted."

But dispensary owners said the problem is not with advertising.

"It's not advertising -- it's friends or drug dealers," said Diane Czarkowski. "Arm kids with facts."


News Hawk- Jacob Ebel 420 MAGAZINE
Author: Mitchell Byars
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Copyright: Media News group
Website: Boulder prohibits medical marijuana ads aimed at youth, recreational users
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