Cannabinoid Pharmaceuticals



Pharmos patented a new miracle drug called 'Dexanabinol' which uses cannabinoid derivatives to prevent irreperable brain damage in brain trauma injuries. The patent indicates a wide range of other possible uses for the drug, presently being investigated. It shows tremendous potential in treatment of liver diseases, cardiovascular disorders, respiratory diseases, cancer, CNS diseases, and autoimmune diseases. The international market for this drug is tremendous, and the domestic market is estimated to produce $500 million by treating new patients of TBI (traumatic brain injury).

What makes this an especially unique and promising development, is the fact that the FDA has put the drug on fasttrack for approval within the united states. This could prove the catalyst needed to start a major movement to increase awareness of the positive potential for use of Cannabis in a multitude of contexts. If the general populace recognizes the amazing medical power of cannabis, they will be more open to accepting the fact that recreational use contributes to the betterment of society by augmenting creativity and providing individual users with a sense of peace and balance.

I advocate happiness and psychological wellbeing. Join me, and just say, 'Know'.

-- Slaxor

"If you used the herb yourself, you might find that smoke blown out clears the mind of shadows within. Anyway, it gives patience, to listen to error without anger."
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