Collective's Corporate Status To Be Fixed

Truth Seeker

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A Riverside medical marijuana collective's status as a suspended corporation will be fixed before the state Supreme Court hears arguments next month over the clinic's lawsuit that local governments overstepped their constitutional bounds by banning storefront dispensaries, its lawyer said.

J. David Nick, the attorney for Inland Empire Patient's Health and Wellness Center said Thursday, Jan. 10 that the suspended corporate status was the result of an error on a state tax return, and the center was working "feverishly" with another lawyer to put it back in good standing with the California Secretary of State's office.

The court earlier this week had sent attorneys for the center a letter notifying them that the center's corporate status was "suspended" as of Jan. 4, which disabled it from being a litigant in the high—stakes case. Arguments are scheduled for Feb. 5

The court gave attorneys until the end of the business day Thursday to respond. Nick said his office would file information about the effort to reinstate the center, along with legal citations about how the court should allow it to continue as a litigant in the in the case. He said he expected the center to be reinstated by the end of the month. Corporations that are litigants get priority on status appeals, he said.

He said the case can continue anyway with individuals and a property management company who are also defendants in the matter.


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Author: Richard De Atley
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Website: MEDICAL MARIJUANA: Collective
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