Drug Deaths now outnumber traffic fatalities


New Member
I hope I am legal in posting this, if not I ment no harm
Los Angeles times (about Sepr 17th)
Propelled by an increase in prescription narcotic overdoses, drug deaths now outnumber traffic fatalities in the United States, a los Angeles Times analysis of government data has found.
Killing 37.486 (At least) in 2009.

Its a bit long so I won't reprint it all here, I would think you could Google it.
Here is a bit more.

Newcommer to the sceen is" Fentanyl", a pain killer 100 times mor powerful than morphine.

The SOB's, Keep us druged and passive, while the rich get richer.

Think I will stick to my tenture and paste Comp's of Blue Dream.
Love and Peace

Anyone know how many deaths there are from Cannabis?
drug deaths now outnumber traffic fatalities in the United States

They always have - alcohol is a drug; so is nicotine.

Anyone know how many deaths there are from Cannabis?

None in all of human history, to my knowledge, unless some idiot tried ripping off the wrong person (and no sane man would blame that death on the cannabis since it would have been the dealer's fault).
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