Federal pot raid has SF prosecutors worried



SAN FRANCISCO - San Francisco prosecutors are expressing concern
about a marijuana raid carried out at a cannabis club in the city
today by federal drug agents.

San Francisco District Attorney's Office spokesman Fred Gardner said
he could supply only a few details, but confirmed that agents from
the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration apparently moved in on a
Sixth Street club located between Market and Mission streets early
this morning. The agents are also going after an East Bay activist,
among other possible enforcement actions today, he said.

In November, San Francisco District Attorney Terence Hallinan held a
news conference in support of a Northern California doctor whose
offices had been raided by DEA agents and specifically warned federal
officials to stay away from a city that has for years supported
physician-authorized use of medicinal marijuana.

`Lay off our marijuana clubs,'' Hallinan said at the time.

He said that since the passage of state Proposition 215 five years
ago the city's system -- in which seriously ill patients whose
doctors feel they can benefit from marijuana to reduce pain or
increase appetite receive official identification cards -- is working.

`The police live happily with our law,'' he concluded to cheers from
the throngs of medicinal marijuana supporters on the steps of the
Hall of Justice.

But federal officials may take a different view of the situation. In
May, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the case of the Oakland Cannabis
Buyers' Cooperative that federal anti-drug laws do not permit an
exception for these types of marijuana uses.

Bay City News Service
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