First time cooker - boy it stinks


New Member
My friend gave me 2.5 oz of trim so I intended on making some nice sugar cookies with them. So I bought a couple of cooking with cannibus cookbooks and read all I could and decided on using the clarified butter recipe I found in the book. It said you could use 2oz of trim to 1lb of butter. I clarified the butter but when I added the ground up weed it soaked up the butter and

became paste like. So I added another pound of clarified butter and set the crockpot on low for 2 hours, then let it cool for 8 hours, then I repeated that process 2 times. The smell was smelled liked alfalfa or like that and the butter (I only got 2 cups worth) smelled so bad I was close to gagging working with it (I enjoy the smell of pot, but this smelled different).
So I couldn't make the sugar cookies so I opted for peanut butter. I just ate 1/2 a was horrible, but it wasn't good either...we'll see if I get high off it. Has anyone experience this bad smell? Should I have used the butter water method? Does that decrease the dark green color and high "green" taste? also, I read, and was wondering what you all thought...does the dark green color mean that the butter is bad or weak and useless? ANY feedback would be greatly appreciated. :)
Re: First time cooker...boy it stinks

I was just mentioning in another thread that sometimes less is more.
Especially when the flavor is overpowered and the taste is gaggering.
Re: First time cooker...boy it stinks

yeah adding to much butter will make the potency go down, throw in a cup or to of water into the pot or crockpot with the weed butter mixture, the thc isnt wate soluble and will bond with the fats in the butter, after you have cheese clothed the hell out of the weed put the mixture into the fridge/freezer and wait til the butter on top solidifies and drain the water with the nasty green plant matter, the butter should look like a nice light green color, if it has been burned and comes out black or brown and smells like burnt popcorn throw it in boiling water for ten minutes restrain and repeat fridge process
Re: First time cooker...boy it stinks

I have found that water curing the trim first helps to reduce the smell dramatically. I agree, the smell can be powerful and off putting. I have also found that making cookies that have a strong taste such as ginger snaps helps to cover the taste as well. Edibles are great as the high lasts a lot longer just be careful to not eat too much. I have been a victim of my own impatience which caused me to ingest just a little too much but it wore off in a few hours so no biggie!
Re: First time cooker...boy it stinks

I made my first full batch yesterday and it did smell up my house. Not a bad smell but definitely noticeable. I think I'll be doing the next batch in my garage so my whole house won't smell like weed.
Re: First time cooker...boy it stinks

water is definately better and you can re do the boil a few times to get rid of most of the bad flavor. or you can do like me and make bubble hash from the trim and or buds and use it dirctly in cookies or brownies. or you can infuse the hash into butter and use in any recipe that calls for butter.
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