Help.set my plant outside too early and she's flowering


Well-Known Member
I know what I’ve done……I set a photoperiod plant outside too early in the grow season and damned if it hasn’t started flowering.
My question is, what do I do about it??
My indoor grow space became over overcrowded, so I set this small plant outside with the plan to bring it back in to flower, once my current indoor run finishes.
I should have known better as I’ve always adhered to the rule of never setting a plant outside until after Mothers Day. FYI, I’m in SW Va.
Since the plant is small and in a pot, I can move it… I was hoping that I could expose it to the light in my garage for a few hours after dark every evening and it may go back into veg…..but I honestly don’t know what to do…..
Help a brotha out folks..
Thanks to all.
so I was hoping that I could expose it to the light in my garage for a few hours after dark every evening and it may go back into veg…..
Be ready for the possibility that the new leaves will all change and go back to one and three fingers. Plus the fingers will loose their saw-tooth edge for awhile and look like traditional spear points.

Easiest would be to just leave it outside and let it change on its own. The amount of sunlight time is getting longer every day so it will make the change anyway. Plus leaving it outside is avoids the chore of moving it around twice a day.

If you want to continue moving the plant in and out every day then make sure that the plant is close enough to the lights in the garage that they will be doing any good.

Probably will notice the change in the leaves before noticing any change in the production of new stigma/pistils.
Thanks guys. It may be a blessing that it’s not gonna get so big so fast. I’m planning to move it back inside to flower once my current flowering crop finishes and the space is only 2’x6’…….
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