I have bugs

King Coala

420 Member
Hi there fellow growers. Im having trouble with outdoor bugs eating plants leaves. Does anyone know of a homemade pesticide?
King Coala
Hi there fellow growers. Im having trouble with outdoor bugs eating plants leaves. Does anyone know of a homemade pesticide?
First thing is to know what insect is eating the plants. Photos of the damage helps but a photo of the insect itself really helps. Once you find out the name of the problem insect a search on-line, looking at general garden sites and Marijuana growing web sites will provide recipes for making homemade insecticides. Most of the time the best recommendations are to buy something at the store. It is often easier than gathering the ingredients and measuring everything and ends up working just as well.

Then there are companion plants which often discourage the problem insect. A down side is that sometimes these other plants end up attracting another insect which might be just as bad.

Dbdub mentioned the peppermint oil. The sprays made using oils from herbs can often work well indoors as a repellent. The problem insect will tend to stay away from the area. Most of these do not kill the insect. If they do kill the insect it might take longer than a recognized insecticide to get rid of them.

Good luck.
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