Medical Groups Don't Back Pot

Truth Seeker

New Member
The Rev. Al Sharp's Saturday op-ed on why patients deserve medical marijuana flies in the face of science and the official opinions of the very associations that represent the patients identified. Marijuana is not medicine. The Food and Drug Administration decides what is safe and effective medicine and has determined marijuana is neither safe nor effective. The World Health Organization, American Society of Addiction Medicine and the National Institute on Drug Abuse all oppose making marijuana available as medicine. Mr. Sharp mentioned two patients with multiple sclerosis, but the Society for Multiple Sclerosis opposes marijuana as medicine, and so does the American Cancer Society. Marijuana has 60 percent more cancer-causing agents than a cigarette. The legislation proposed would extend far beyond a few thousand patients. It allows cardholders 2½ ounces – up to 285 joints every two weeks. It would allow anyone to drive after six hours of use, though marijuana stays in the body and the brain 50 times longer than alcohol. It would cause serious problems with Illinois Drug Free Workplace policy because it would not allow drug testing for fitness for duty. There is marijuana now available by prescription from a doctor, available at pharmacies, Marinol, which is marijuana in pill form.

The states that have implemented medical marijuana proposals have seen dramatic increases in abuse by teenagers. Less than 10 percent of those with marijuana cards in the largest populated states have serious illnesses such as cancer, MS or AIDS. The FDA has determined marijuana is not medicine. We should listen to them, not to anecdotes unsupported by science. We should protect our children and our state from teen use, addiction, highway and workplace safety problems and abuse in our schools and communities.


News Hawk- TruthSeekr420 420 MAGAZINE
Contact: Contact Us from the Chicago Sun-Times
Website: Medical groups don
"The states that have implemented medical marijuana proposals have seen dramatic increases in abuse by teenagers. Less than 10 percent of those with marijuana cards in the largest populated states have serious illnesses such as cancer, MS or AIDS. The FDA has determined marijuana is not "medicine. We should listen to them, not to anecdotes unsupported by science. We should protect our children and our state from teen use, addiction, highway and workplace safety problems and abuse in our schools and communities."

First of all shut the hell up. This is a non fact. The states who have implemented MMJ have not even started to study any correlation between MMJ and said issues. Second. Until this "Reverand" pays taxes on milking people of donations and tithes he should not be able to have a public voice or influence. If you want to help the poor children seeking a way out of poverty and misery, try forking up your conned money.
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