Medicinal Marijuana Advocates Speak With NFLPA Officials

Katelyn Baker

Well-Known Member
The medicinal marijuana movement started by former Ravens tackle Eugene Monroe seems to be gaining some steam, and they're trying to pick up a significant ally in the process.

According to Nicki Jhabvala of the Denver Post, one of the doctors Monroe's working with the advocate research into cannabidiols as a pain management option has talked to NFLPA officials about their role in advancing the cause.

Dr. Marcel Bonn-Miller, from the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine, said he spoke with Nyaka Niilampti, the union's director of player wellness. Much like a recent call with a pair of NFL medical officials, the session was informational, offering background on their research and the possible benefits.

"It's really with the PA more than it is the league at this point, because they're the ones from whom we need help," Bonn-Miller said. "They're in the process of circling back around to us to continue the conversation about whether they can help us out."

Monroe, a growing number of former players and now Titans outside linebacker Derrick Morgan has been beating the drum for more research into compounds called CBDs as an option to the league's use of opioid pain-killers.

But the researchers hope that adding the NFLPA in their fight against an NFL that has seemed hesitant at best to change their view on anything regarding marijuana (which is legal in two of the 31 cities they do business in).

"Our conversation with the NFL and Players Association has not been about policy," Bonn-Miller said. "They are reaching out to us to learn more about the research. That's honestly the most I could ask for at this point - a productive dialogue."

It's at least a first step, but getting the players union on board would likely only embolden more players to become advocates, as Monroe and Morgan have.


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Full Article: Medicinal Marijuana Advocates Speak With NFLPA Officials
Author: Darin Gantt
Contact: NBC Sports
Photo Credit: Stephen Dunn
Website: NBC Sports
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