Mystery Light


New Member
I figured this would be the best plave to post up my question to the great minds that are here, so here it is. I procured this light a while back only problem is the person I got it from could not remember what is was exactly , The only things that are known is the Ballast box is not digital it is magnetic, and loud , also it has 1000 writin on it with a sharpie, the bulb is not HPS, the color is very "Daylight" not very blue , but definatly not orageish(not sure that is a word) The person I got it from thinks it "might" be a Mercur Vapor, or maybe Metal Halide. Is there any lighting Guru's that might be able to help?
Here are some pictures
The Bulb is roughly 16" long, it is a MONSTER of a bulb There is a little wire that runs just along the inside of the large curvature of the bulb.



it looks like an old school MH but it might be a vapor dose it look like theres gas moving around in the center when its on

it is old school, late 70's early 80's I will have to try that, never have looked at when it was on... it is very bright
Looks like this one

1,000 watt BT56 Mogul Screw (E39) Base Clear Universal Burn General Lighting Metal Halide Sylvania Light Bulb
Sylvania M1000/U 64468
Thank you all for the replys, I did find some more info on the base of the bulb, 1234567890 JFMAMJJASOND, but that is not very helpful. When I first turn it on it just arcs and gets brighter, does not look like vapor in there . so I guess it would be a MH I am thinking it might be to big for my grow room though 6'x3 1/2' X 12'

but seeing how it is so old it might not be very "good" anymore anyways
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