Nebraska Medical Marijuana Supporters Organizing To Get Legalization On The Ballot

Robert Celt

New Member
Omaha's 420 celebration has gotten political after medical marijuana supporters got burned by Nebraska lawmakers.

Now they want voters to decide whether to legalize medical cannabis.

It wasn't much of a party this weed holiday at Memorial Park.

Rather, supporters took the time to organize and redouble their efforts, since Nebraska lawmakers failed to legalize medical cannabis.

The push to puff is focused on the people who are seeking relief, not catching a buzz.

"Cannabis is the gate keeper, not the gateway. Cannabis is the anti-drug, not the drug problem," says James Statzer, with the Nebraska chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Law, or NORML.

Veteran Edward Williams hopes his show of support during Wednesday's rush hour brings help to veterans living in pain.

"PTSD, chronic pain, neuropathy," are all conditions he says could be helped with medical marijuana.

But there's no high point so far this year. Families pushing for medical marijuana met defeat in the state legislature, following a heated debate.

"I don't have confidence in conducting a public-policy experiment with nebraska citizens," said Nebraska Senator John Kuehn.

"Colleagues, I hate to say this, but some of you are stuck on stupid. You refuse to look at the evidence," said Nebraska Senator Tommy Garrett.

"They are not representing Nebraskans and this needs to change," says Edward Williams, with Nebraska Veterans for Medical Marijuana.

With already enough signatures to form a political party, the focus turns to a ballot initiative.

"We are finishing the signatures and just getting padding now," said Krystal Gabel, a candidate for the M.U.D. Board.

Supporters say their polling shows a majority of Nebraskans will vote to legalize medical marijuana if it appears on a ballot.

"When the election season comes around and people see that they can vote for medical marijuana, they are going to vote for it. They are going to come out just to vote for that," Statzer said.


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Nebraska Medical Marijuana Supporters Organizing To Get Legalization On The Ballot
Author: Dave Roberts
Contact: KETV
Photo Credit: Matthew Staver
Website: KETV
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