Ph Meter Dry storage question


420 Member
Hey everyone,
Quick question: my old lady saw some "gross green liquid" in the cap of my pH pen and dumped it "for" me. She didn't know it was the storage solution :whoa:. So, my meter was stored for about 3 months dry. I thought for sure the meter was dead, but, on a lark, I set out some storage solution, tap water, and white vinegar in little bowls. I recalibrated with 7.0 calibration/storage liquid. I tested each little bowl and good 7.0 for storage solution, 3.5 for the vinegar and 6.7 for my tap. Now, the first two readings are seemingly dead on balls accurate (an industry term). But, my tap, according to my water co., should be around 8.1; of course, they haven't updated their information since their 2012 readings so I don't exactly know how accurate that 8.1 figure is today.

So, long story, short: do you think my meter is ok or should i just go ahead and grab a new one. if it helps, its the oakton ph2 waterproof meter, and i was under the impression its a pretty solid tool.
let me know what you think!
be easy,
I have a couple Milwaukee meters, not on the expensive side, about 20-30$ a piece. I've let them dry out by mistake before for several weeks and when I've turned them on they've been showing readings of 14.0 as well as some sporadic readings but they have always seemed to be able to return to their regular working states. I would say keep going with it and just double check with a cal solution if you're not trusting the reading it is giving you!

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