Pot Resolution Adopted in West Hollywood

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Pot Resolution Adopted in West Hollywood
WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) - City leaders adopted a resolution Monday night calling on sheriff's deputies not to target certain adult marijuana users.

The City Council backed the nonbinding resolution 4-0, said city spokeswoman Tamara White. Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca had no immediate comment because he hadn't reviewed the motion, said sheriff's spokeswoman Kerri Webb.

The resolution directs the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, which contracts with this left-leaning city, not to "target adult marijuana users who consume this drug in private and pose no danger to the community."

Minors and drug dealers would still be subject to arrest, and smoking in public would still be prohibited, the resolution says.

The resolution is not legally enforceable, but sends a message that law enforcement officers should "leave the pot smokers alone" and go after more serious crimes, said Councilman John Duran, the resolution's sponsor.
heh that's great news..
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