Pot Smoking Could Stop Mad Cow Disease?

Ms. RedEye

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420 Staff
A New Zealand pro-cannabis group believes it has scientific evidence that cannabis can stop the development of mad cow disease the New Zealand Press Association reported today. The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (Norml) sited a French study showing cannabidiol might be effective in preventing bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), also known as mad cow disease.

Scientists at the National Center for Scientific Research in France found cannabidiol - a non-psychoactive ingredient, may prevent the development of prion diseases (progressive neurodegenerative disorders), the most well known of which is BSE, Norml said.

Researchers found cannabidiol inhibited the accumulation of prion proteins in infected mice and sheep.

Norml spokesman Chris Fowlie said the discovery added to the scientific evidence supporting a bill from a New Zealand Greens MP to legalise the medicinal use of cannabis. Mr Fowlie also said:

"(It) should be supported by any MP with a clear head. Unfortunately most politicians act like mad cows whenever cannabis is mentioned."

News Hawk: MsRedEye: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: ChattahBox.com
Copyright: 2007 ChattahBox
Contact: Contact : ChattahBox
Website: Pot smoking could stop Mad Cow Disease? : ChattahBox
i wish they would fcking legalise weed. makes our lives so much easier. it does have many healing properties that government jus wont adgknowledge.
A New Zealand pro-cannabis group believes it has scientific evidence that cannabis can stop the development of mad cow disease the New Zealand Press Association reported today. The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (Norml) sited a French study showing cannabidiol might be effective in preventing bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), also known as mad cow disease.

Scientists at the National Center for Scientific Research in France found cannabidiol - a non-psychoactive ingredient, may prevent the development of prion diseases (progressive neurodegenerative disorders), the most well known of which is BSE, Norml said.

Researchers found cannabidiol inhibited the accumulation of prion proteins in infected mice and sheep.

Norml spokesman Chris Fowlie said the discovery added to the scientific evidence supporting a bill from a New Zealand Greens MP to legalise the medicinal use of cannabis. Mr Fowlie also said:

"(It) should be supported by any MP with a clear head. Unfortunately most politicians act like mad cows whenever cannabis is mentioned."

News Hawk: MsRedEye: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: ChattahBox.com
Copyright: 2007 ChattahBox
Contact: Contact : ChattahBox
Website: Pot smoking could stop Mad Cow Disease? : ChattahBox

Wow, my friends father is dying of Prion's disease as we speak. It's a crazy disease. 3 weeks ago he was perfectly healthy and normal. Started to lose his coordination then started forgetting what he was doing or where he was at. A few days after he didn't recognize his family and starting hallucinating thinking things were crawling on the wall into the crown molding. Then he became very paranoid and grabbed his wife by the throat accusing her of trying to kill him. As of now he is partly paralyzed and has not left his bed since Tuesday not even for the bathroom.

The disease is a horrible thing to have happen to anybody. I wish I had heard this a few weeks ago I would have brought it up to my friend. I'm sure they would be willing to try anything seeing as how the Dr's just tell them there is nothing they can do except treat some of symptoms like the paranoia with anti-psychotics. Eventually his brain will cease to keep the body alive.

The brain of a person who has died from PD literally looks like a sponge, since the disease actually eats holes throughout the brain. :thedoubletake:
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