Supreme Court Decision Threatens Cannabis

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A Montana Supreme Court ruling could effectively shut down medical marijuana providers around the state.

For three years, Kannakare Health Services had supplied medical marijuana patients in Bozeman with tonics, salves, cookies and strain after strain of pain relief.

Medical cannabis provider Misty Carey said the patients who come to her business are older and suffer from a variety of afflictions from chronic pain to cancer to epilepsy.

"We see a lot of people who are really broken people," Carey said. "They have suffered severely at the hands of the pharmaceuticals they have had to take to manage their pain and their conditions."

"They're really looking for a different way to live that gives them more of an experience of living which the pharmaceutical drugs seems to take away from them."

But after Tuesday's Montana Supreme Court ruling, caregivers around the state will have to size down their clientele.

"They won't have access to the consistent, reliable, tested, clean, beautiful product that was grown here in Montana," Carey said.

Montanans supported a ballot initiative legalizing medical marijuana in 2004. Within the next few years, the number of patients and providers sky-rocketed--prompting the State legislature to take action.

In 2011, Senate Bill 423 passed-- limiting marijuana sales and distribution so that providers could not collect money for the drug and could have no more than three patients.

For Kannakare and other providers, this would mean the end of business.

But Helena District Court Judge James Reynolds barred the bill from taking effect. Tuesday's court decision overturned Reynold's ruling. SB 423 will take effect after Sept. 26, 2012.

Opponents of SB 423 passed a petition that will bring the controversial bill to November's ballot, where Montanans will decide the future of medical marijuana in the Big Sky state.


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Author: Jackie Coffin
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