weight(VS)wait 5280 and The Dirty!


New Member
Superior Growing & Patient Preferences- Expectations of patients by regional statistics.
"What Do You Prefer?"
(Weight:) inherited genetic dispositions of Heavy foliage and massive bud sites from heavy moisture in the air, As Sea Level ensues the natural canopy of any specific region.
Shorter Flower Periods, higher yields. By nature, genetics or saturation of wild cannabis and its ability to reproduce.
(Wait): Natures origin of cannabis in desert conditions. Seizing maximum production in Glandular Trichomes with extended margins in the flowering periods, in order to secrete optimal cannabinoid levels in bursts opposed to accumulation of photochrome / anti-florigen ratio. Adapting as a spices to long periods with out minerals that support fertility.
I should specify.......Mile High Elevation & low fertility adaptation in " ARID "Conditions VS
The Southern Mid West-South Eastern United States and its consistent over whelming humidity and the impact of soil drenching to naturally replenish minerals to grow sites from underground?!?!?
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