What now?

Mojave Dave

New Member
Hi all,

All the plants in my six-pod Ebb and Flow system (from Esoteric Hydroponics) are doing spectacularly. I cannot ignore the super rate at which they are groing.
I am trying an experiment with them (using a couple of ideas I have hed rattling around inside my head for a while now, to see if there is a difference in plant vigour and growth rate, and so far I am totally impressed.
The overall colour of the plants is gorgeous with no leaf problems whatsoever now. Everything has been adjusted and amended so that I really only have a couple of repetitive things that I do (relating to this experiemtn|) along with all of the other minor repetitive tasks one must employ when raising a crop of God's finest.
Because of the way my little hobby room is set up, I know precisely what they need, precisely when they need it. I have the advantage of being right here in the grow room within easy reach of my nursery box, my "vegging box" and my main 1.2 meter grow tent. This allows me to check all of the important things without ever leaving the comfort of my comfortable chair.

I do have one slight problem, however. The plant in back right corner (a truly beautiful speciman of Northern Lights until it's testicles dropped) turned out to be male, so I snipped the stalk right off at the clay pebble line and threw the little bastard away. But I soon discovered that I cannot remove the roots and stem from that bucket because by the time I realized that plant was male, it had grown a considerable root mass down inside all of those clay pebbles. So, it must remain part of the living system until all of the others are ready for harvest.

My question is this: can those dying/dead roots and stalk cause any problems for the rest of the crop? I mean, as they decay will they release toxins into the solution and kill off the rest?

Please let me know if you can help with this current dilemma. Thanks!

All the best!
I dont understand. You should be able to pull the cup holding the pebbles along with the roots right out of the system, if not then I guess you are really crowded. I wouldnt think that it would hurt it too bad but Im not an expert, let me know how it goes
sedo1 said:
I dont understand. You should be able to pull the cup holding the pebbles along with the roots right out of the system, if not then I guess you are really crowded. I wouldnt think that it would hurt it too bad but Im not an expert, let me know how it goes

They are buckets, about three 1/2 gallons each. When they're full of clay pebbles one bucket weighs about 15 pounds. The roots are infused with the pebbles and wil not budge at all. So...I guess it's gonna stay!

Thanks for the reeplay, mate!
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