How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

420 Motoco;2190989 said:
No worries I suffer from OCD myself, lol. At least that is what I've been told. When it comes to concentrated oil I only use flowers. Everything else is off topic for me. I work in reverse; I make the best concentrate from the flower, then if I need a topical I blend from the pure and mix with grape seed oil to make it more pliable (spreads easier) . Edibles is off topic to me also. Once you do the oil correctly with the proper strains in place, edibles, eating the concentrate or smoking during the day is counter productive to the 'wellness' feeling. That being said 'vaping' flower is needed in some cases to increase appetite when needed and only one 'toke' is needed. Even using Indica at night the proper way is to 'tack'. Getting the concentrate to the CB1 receptors first is the proper way to heal no matter the application (suppositories, etc.) When eating edibles, smoking, wax, c02 is like man-made meds which is only a temporary fix and with certain meds can be counter productive and dangerous. Of course its natural and is safe going through your system compared to man-made meds. Certainly not saying leaves, shake, etc. doesn't have any healing properties, I just don't use them myself as well as my wife and patients I help, same with horses, dogs, etc. I do give my trim, leaves, etc. to some folks using it to make a 'wash' for their horses. They say the love it as a bath. But their tumors, etc. is healed with the flower extract only. Hope this helps.

SmokesDaKush;2190833 said:
I suppose I did leave a few details out. I've been meaning to ask for some time now as I made this awhile back and have just been sitting on it. This was done in a water bath stretched out through two days so it was definitely subject to the 150d for two hours. I definitely didn't want to crush them as I preferred to have the jar sealed due to the mold. I guess I didn't decarb because I was originally not using and then when I thought of it I figured maybe it didn't need decarbed for a topical. Anyhow after reading your reply and to be the safest with it as possible, I followed your recommendations and ran it in an oil bath at 250d. I only saw a few little bubbles.

As I said I originally did this for testing purposes to see how clean it would come out and also testing the 91 iso, I never had intentions of using any of it. Also should note that all stores around here have pulled anything higher then 91% iso off the shelves. I have never heard of Spirytus but I would love to get my hands on it if it was available locally but doubtful. The best I can get is 151 proof/75.5% ABV everclear.

I use the 151 daily now to make fresh oil doses for oral consumption twice daily if I can keep up with my usage. The 151 is a pain to work with so I have been kief'n trim and buds and then making my oil that way. This way I use way less everclear as it gets pricey after awhile and pull way less contaminants. I really need to come up with a better solution but it's the best I have available to me at the moment.

That brings up another question you may have some knowledge on. Do you think I am shorting myself by making my oil with hash versus whole plant material?

Thanks again for the help Motoco! That little bit of ocd was holding me back because I just kept second guessing the mold. I do remember googling what temps would kill it but as usual there were so many contradicting statements out there. Much obliged!



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