second grow with thai skunk haze last three seeds

After all the problems i have had and are still going on with my first grow with this strain i did not no what i was going to do with these last three seeds. I looked at how the tall bushy long flowering sativa had took over my grow space. And still is seeings i let it grow to 4 ft and dint top or prune the plant and when i tried to tie it down it was to late. Therefore i know i will be in for some more problems along the way with these three, so ive decided to plant them in siol keeping them a minimum to 2 ft and im solely hoping to get some seeds from these last three plants and try to learn more about this long flowering plant and in future maybe ill be able to cross it to even that out with an indica maybe, but i will have to find out how dominant the plants traits are in order for it to cross with another plant and not end up cancelling it out therfore ive decide to go ahead with the grow.

I germinated all three of them in a small tub lined with lots of cotton wool and kitchen roll and planted them in jiffy pellets, i pot them in my fish tank under two white flourecent lights 24 watts, i waited for roots to appear and potted them in siol in pots, feeding them formulex after 1 week of potting i feed them this at 30% strength and then in 1 week ill move on to feeding them ionic grow for siol at the same strength as before and ill raise if neccesary,
Im about two weeks in now and im just giving them there last feed of formulex which i have only fed them once previous, then in three days when i water ill switch to ionic grow siol, im keeping them as small as i can this time and i think the white flouresent lights are just what it needs along with some pruning and trimming i expect to have to do later on, last time i started these under a 250watt envirolite which i think led to them growing as fast as they did in the vegetative stage let alone when i switched it over to a 600watt hps, on 12/12
as you can see from below there doing ok so far and ill try and keep it this way,

there growing a lot slower and alot more bushier under the flourescent lights and they are really quite strong plants which wasnt the case with the long tall top heavy plants i had this time the last grow, i think two could be males and one is a female which is good as im growing them for some seeds although i may as well take some cuttings off the female and grow it in my seperate flowering room, im using the fish tank at the moment and as soon as they get big enougth there going into a cupboard which ive made into a grow room aswell, i want to keep these away from my female ive got growing at the moment in my other cupboard as thats growing just to be smoked,
ill keep it updated weekly and ill let you no how there getting on, any suggestions welcome especially when it gets to having to tie or prune these down thanks for reading ,


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