thai skunk haze

heres them photos of mine i was telling you about g boss as you can see shes a monster sorry the pics aint brilliant ill take some more over the next few days, hope you enjoy thanks for looking guys

im about 6 weeks at least now into the budding period and i have come across major problems i went in to my cupboard last nite to find my plant lying against my wall as the weight of the branches are far to heavy for her. after closs inspection i had noticed the extra support i had proveided trying to tie her into place had come away and was not doing its job, i was in a bad situation me stood there holding a ten foot plant trying to hold it in place as it had not support for itself and was clearly in alot of stress i got some help as we were stood there holding the plant trying to do our very best to hold and support her and to our horror the bitch snapped about two and a half foot up almost clean through i instantly did no what to do but thought as the main dense canopy had not propolly snapped it was resting on the lower branches and there was no way of trying to save it as there was nothing on hand to tie or support it to at the opposite angle it was pulling towards to cause the brake and it had clearly broke because it could not hold the weight so i did not want to attempt dramatic surgery. i removed the top half of the tree and one branch which was most of the plant where the weight was sitting was also removed,im now left with a pile of half developed bud and a very bare looking tree do i stand any chance in trying to save her and see it through the rest of her final weeks in a way i think i have done her a favour but im also concerned for her as this is not something i have any knowledge or experience in and i really would like to no if there is anything i need to do to her or will she be ok ill post a picture of what she looks like now later on as shes in the dark and i dont wanna disturb her but heres some pictures of what i have heart breakingly lost


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