Recent content by bluedream420

  1. bluedream420

    First SOG Attempt

    nice ass ganja bruhh.
  2. bluedream420

    Your stoner quotes

    me and my brother were playing a game last night and i got pissed at him cause he hit me with a hatchet from all the way across the map i threw my controller down and walked out and he said come on dude i barely killed you...
  3. bluedream420

    Comment by 'bluedream420' in media '1-24_tk'

    wtf is that on the razors?
  4. bluedream420

    Why do you smoke weed?

    i smoke cause i fucking LOVE weed, ever since the first time that i even just smelt my firsty bud i have been in love with it. i smoke to help me concentrate through out the day, but dont get me wrong when the weekend comes me and my team and passin the plane haha.
  5. bluedream420

    My plant got ripped!

    HB Rob has the best idea if you ask me haha.
  6. bluedream420

    420 amusement park

    nice lol "The Steam Roller" haha
  7. bluedream420

    The M word

    that same thing has happened to me numerous times because my friends are idiots and just show out. I just usually go to my store alone so that shit like that doesnt happen. but i would do the samething if someone did that to me at my store. f them.
  8. bluedream420

    Chronic Christians: Did Jesus Heal With Pot?

    I myself and a Christian and i dont know if Jesus smoked or not, i do believe that he had knowledge of the plant and did use it to heal people. I also think that this information that you have posted should be on something like National Geo, History Channel, or Discovery. I think that there is...
  9. bluedream420

    Marijuana tolerence, smoking and eating

    was it saying that THC-9 and THC-11 were two different types or THC? cause i have never heard about this before.
  10. bluedream420

    420 amusement park

    rides: bluedreamer, stone haze, hash bash nice idea superballer14, we could have smoking games inside the park and give away pipes and bongs or hash you know anything like that would make a smoker happy haha. pass game (hold smoke in until whatever you smoking gets back around to you)...
  11. bluedream420

    I just need to vent. sorry

    im sorry for you situation, but i almost have the same problem, i dont ever have money being im going to school. wish you the best of luck have you got to smoke sense you posted this thread?
  12. bluedream420

    Bud Brownies

    when you say regular do you mean mids?
  13. bluedream420

    Leaf tip burn?

    whats a good PH for a plant to be at?
  14. bluedream420


    Preciate it bruhh.
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