Recent content by DownSupremacy

  1. D

    My Easy Way To Roll

    I think if somebody wiped their ass on the bill you could tell. It would have a brown smear on it and smell like shit. And if it's coke maybe you get some coke in that joint and get higher. You never heard about people pissing on the patties at Burger King? Dollar bills are the last...
  2. D

    did i get riped off?

    Around here good stuff is 20 a gram unless you buy in bulk. So that's good if it's kind bud.
  3. D

    Best Way to Clean a Pipe?

    Using hot water with a lot of Oxy Clean (or generic powder works the best of everything I've tried. It pretty much all floats right to the top after soaking for ten minutes and whatever left is easy as hell to get out. Works better than Dawn direct foam (which is a runner up). Bleach doesn't...
  4. D

    What jobs dont drug test?

    Maybe you can try looking up Drug Free work enviroments. I guess you could check with big national companies like Wal-Mart. They don't drug test at McDonald's or Burger King since it doesn't matter who gets their nasty ass fingers on your burger patty and serves it to you.
  5. D

    Prices where you live

    Lobstatrucka. I need to take a trip out to Maine.
  6. D

    Prices where you live

    As incompetent the government seems to be right now it's hard to understand why the weed prohibition is working so well. I mean it hasn't devolved into the same sort of crap that happened with alcohol prohibition.
  7. D

    Prices where you live

    If weed was legalized do you think it would be cheaper or more expensive? I always wonder about that. What if they legalize it but make it a rip off or really low potency or add a lot of crap to it to make it addictive just like they do with cigarettes? But i guess since it will be legal to...
  8. D

    Prices where you live

    20 a gram seems pretty standard I guess. Not a great deal though.
  9. D

    Prices where you live

    Is it okay to post about regional prices? I'm not selling or looking to buy. I just want to get an idea of what people pay in other parts of the country. From what I know of Queens it's either 50 for 2.5 grams with some guys. 20 a gram sometimes and sometimes 175-200 for a half ounce of...
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