Recent content by Ennui

  1. 510Dt98CtHL._AC_SL1200_.jpg


  2. E

    Octopus' Garden

    I've got to try again to find where I read of the specific values for my lights that I stumbled on way back then. I'm talking to myself now, helps me think it out. I've tried a few times before, before I even had the wakeup, but It was a discussion inside a discussion on a totally unrelated...
  3. E

    Octopus' Garden

    Every time I enter the room I met with an aroma I never smelled before. I turned off filtration just now to take it all in. Not amazed how wrong I had it, to be expected from anyone attempting something new. That I straightened it all out in my head before the end of the journey is what I get...
  4. E

    Octopus' Garden

    Oh, I'm not a wolf in sheep's clothing, have 0 affiliations with anyone, IYKWIMAITYD.
  5. E

    Octopus' Garden

    You have to think fractals and how they can be applied to the MJ plant to understand how to grow it correctly from seed to finish. The better you perfect that, the more success you'll have. Told you it'd be cryptic.
  6. E

    Octopus' Garden

    Amazing what 9 hours of sleep can do, I feel like a new man. Can't recall the last time I had this clarity of thought. Has to be before May when I drove my sunglasses through my skull. I just stumbled on those glasses today. It's still got broken ear pieces and the lenses are sitting beside them...
  7. E

    Octopus' Garden

    I was thinking the extra 600 was a waste, but now I have a backup if one of the others konked out. Funny how that works, eh?
  8. E

    Octopus' Garden

    The Mr. Whoopies need to find a Tennessee Tuxedo to translate to Chumley-speak, is what needs to happen.
  9. E

    Octopus' Garden

    Again, those are LED Watts, different animal than others, must be used differently. Another example of a mfg's ads biting them, they leave too much open to interpretation and the stampede is already out of the gates. Don't envy those on herding duties to get them back in the barn. Pandora's Box...
  10. E

    Octopus' Garden

    My LED advertised as 600W and drawing 180W, the 180 is per section. Each section has 30 10W LEDs for a 300W total and I'm getting 180W out the other end. Out of 600W tech specs, I'm getting 360W from the combined. I remember when researching for purchase I came across this argument somewhere in...
  11. E

    Octopus' Garden

    Spectrum ratio is different for each stage of growth. Both overall and intensity-wise. Veg more blues and Bloom more red. There are reasons for it. You should see the plants today, about 12 hours after scalping. The only veg I left was the growth tips and a few small, and I mean small, fans. The...
  12. E

    Octopus' Garden

    Ahhhhh, the 'Likes" have to do with the contest, eh? Quota thing? I must be getting better, a lot of missing pieces are starting to fit. That's cool, luck to all the candidates. I forgot I was in one, must have been hurt worse than thought. I removed some posts, I was talking to myself working...
  13. E

    Octopus' Garden

  14. E

    Octopus' Garden

    I'd take it slow, were I you. I'd only remove those that blocked tips for a while until I got up to speed enough to take the next step. I don't think you couldn't do it faster, I want to make sure we don't harm it. Don't worry what others do or how they grow, learn what it takes to use the...
  15. E

    Octopus' Garden

    As fan leaves age, they lose efficiency in a few ways. One, they get dirty, filtering light. The protective coating becomes marred by the leaves thrashing in the breeze of the fan. The thrashing damages them, etc...
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