Recent content by Mayday54

  1. Mayday54

    Happy 4th Everyone!

    Back at you!! Have a awesome weekend and Holiday!!
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  3. Mayday54

    Trump's Opioid Agency Fails To Cite Marijuana's Benefits, Despite Mounting Evidence

    Re: Trump's Opioid Agency Fails To Cite Marijuana's Benefits, Despite Mounting Eviden This post brings to mind a quote: "Herb, herb is a plant. I mean herbs are good for everything." Bob Marley Nuf said...:bravo:
  4. Mayday54

    Medical Marijuana Is Preferred By 93% Of Patients For Pain Management

    As a chronic pain sufferer, from 2 failed spinal surgeries, I have weaned myself off of the opiates that were being prescribed by doctors over the last 20 years. I was taking 240 mg of Oxycontin per day and working full time. I was laid off in 2010 and after 4 years of trying to find work...
  5. Mayday54

    Can You Smoke Medical Marijuana In Public

    Just a few "rules" about cannabis consumption:smokin2: in Sonoma County, California: Who is allowed to use medical and non-medical marijuana? Anyone age 21 or older can legally smoke, possess, purchase (see next section), give away, or consume marijuana. It is illegal to give marijuana to...
  6. Mayday54

    Exercise And Marijuana: Do They Mix

    This is a subject that is very near and dear to me, as I have chronic pain, 2 failed back surgeries. I use cannabis every day before I walk, and it has helped. I lost 150 pounds, another human, from my body in the last two and half years. I could not walk across the street when I started, but...
  7. Mayday54

    From The Doctor: Can Marijuana Help A Bad Back

    I am also a low back pain suffer... I had spinal surgery in 1998 with a fusion of L4 L5 and S1 because I blew out the discs between them. I also have been diagnosed with scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, and spondylosis. I TOOK (past tense intended) Oxycontin from 1998 to 2013 when I finally...
  8. Mayday54

    4 Reasons You Should Grow Your Own Pot Plants

    Getting to meet and have a conversation with Ed Rosenthal was one of the things I had added to my "bucket list" soon after getting laid off in 2010 and after I decided to become a full time grower. I entered classes at Oaksterdam University and was delighted to have Ed as one of the featured...
  9. Mayday54

    Santa Rosa Rolls Out Red Carpet To Pot Growers

    Additional article about the passage of a Conditional Use Permit by Santa Rosa, CA city council. Doesn't mention that the city is going to revisit the zoning issue in 2020... The developer has been "working" on his project for 13 years, but as of date of city council meeting had not submitted...
  10. Mayday54

    MN: Legalize It? Liebling Says Let Voters Decide

    I would hope that Minnesota can get their Medical and recreational in line before the date of possible legalization comes due as it is looming in CA on 1/1/2018... State (CA) is scrambling to get the medical and recreational side in step with each other for all aspects and is running out of time...
  11. Mayday54

    Problem - New grower

    It appears that you might have several issues going on... How is your phosphorus levels, as you said auto-flowering and starting to bud, phosphorus is one of the main nutrients... Did the plants get too hot/dry when outside, light inside too close... Under/over watering stress... Poor drainage...
  12. Mayday54

    California Marijuana Farmers Face Country's First Water-Related Regulations

    Granted you are an environmentally aware individual, you might want to read the rules and regulations before you are so hasty to support the water board's regulations... If the final draft of the regulations is anything like the proposed document, it could cost you more than you think. You...
  13. Mayday54

    After 20 Years, California May Finally Regulate Medical Marijuana

    The link to the DRAFT North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board regulation document is: Click on and read the above document as it will happen and have an effect on...
  14. Mayday54

    After 20 Years, California May Finally Regulate Medical Marijuana

    I would hope that the state doesn't create another non-funded department debacle, California should follow Colorado's example, as they did all of the organization BEFORE legalization. I would not like some Bozo running around looking at what I am growing, how much I'm growing and how I'm...
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