Recent content by SharkByte

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  3. SharkByte

    New to the forum and new to "indoor" growing.

    looks good! :thumb:
  4. SharkByte

    2015 SharkByte's First DWC Multi Strain Grow Op

    Money Maker (A) did not recover, was cut today. Money Maker (B) is doing great, due date is around the 26th for her. sooner for the other two. i will post harvest shots and info after. its a basic grow with no advanced techniques so will keep my journaling offline until i can come up with more...
  5. SharkByte

    J & K Perpetual Grow Log - Soil

    hey bud, love the pic you sent for the plant of the month. very unique picture. Voted!
  6. SharkByte

    2015 SharkByte's First DWC Multi Strain Grow Op

    thanks man, i was on the fence regarding removing the damaged leaves. so instead of making a rush decision, i let the plant alone for the last few days to see what will die off and what will heal. today i will remove the dead ones like you said. i did notice that when i was having to add water...
  7. SharkByte

    Cal, Mag Defficiency or both?

    theorycrafting is fine. the balance of nutes
  8. SharkByte

    Cal, Mag Defficiency or both?

    I stand by my statement. 5.5 for hydro.
  9. SharkByte

    Extremely slow growth - Need input

    Surprised no one pegged this easy one. Your Roots are Depleted of Oxygen from the Mud you have them in. you need a more aerated soil or simply add perlite. Report back as i know this will solve your problem.
  10. SharkByte

    2015 SharkByte's First DWC Multi Strain Grow Op

    I Changed things around so its safe to add the other 600 watts without fear of heat being an issue again. i am unsure of what to do with the damaged leaves on white widow and Money Maker (A) KB KB KB KB KB Money Maker (B) Damaged Money Maker (A) Money Maker...
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