New to the forum and new to "indoor" growing.


New Member
I'm actually trying something a little different. I guess you'd call it indoor growing outdoors or vice versa. I'm converting a small 4x2x5 closet in an old pull behind camper I've got into a grow box. I guess the big challenge is will I be able make it withstand the effects of the weather outside the camper down here in the steamy south.
It's a wooden closet that I'm lining with reflective film. I'll be lighting with a 400w MH/HPS. Will be venting with a 4" hole in the bottom and another on the side of the box at the top both of which will be to intake outside air. Pulling air our will be two 4" fans inserted floor and ceiling opposite the two intake holes. As I said the question is whether I can keep heat and humidity outside from having too much effect inside the grow space.
I'd like to hear some of your initial thoughts and concerns. Also could use help deciding what to put in the space for this grow. What I have for seeds right now is 6 purple ryders, 2 chronic ryders, 2 ogres all of which are autos by joint doctor and I have 1 Jack Herer feminised from I believe greenhouse seed Co if I'm not mistaken. Just gotta decide what combination will fit and work best. Really wanna grow the Jack Herer as it's probably the best smoke of the group but afraid with it's potential size difference it would shade the small autos if I put any with it. Maybe do all 8 autos or maybe 6 of them?
my personal opinion is that heat and humidity will be an issue in this space. your best options are upgrading to the (2)6' air ducting for exhaust. two 4' inch intakes will work well.
i personally would grow the Jack Herer first. but for this set up, you should grow the autos first due to there forgiveness of mistakes.
Thanks sharkbyte for the input. The Jack Herer would have to be grown alone in this space I'm assuming due to potential size right?
correct. Jack Herer is much bigger then autos, with that size she will transpire moisture into your room increasing humidity. the under estimate of her size will be at least 3.5 feet tall with 2 feet wide (depending on your veg time/topping). i personally believe she will max your room, but if you wanted autos going at same time, just keep raising the autos up with the canopy of the Jack Herer.

Either way you do it, just be sure to have more then enough air movement and good use of fans.
Makes sense. I've grown much killer sensimellia outdoors with bag seeds but this will be my first try at indoors and also my first time using seeds bought from seed banks. You think SCROG would be the only way to grow the Jack fully in this space?
Well, so far so good on my first indoor and first autoflower grow. Germinated two chronic ryder and two ogre which sprouted on April 19. All 4 popped right up and have been growing healthy since. Also all 4 begin flowering on the 21st day just as described in their description. My temps during light on hrs are near 100 degrees fahrenheit but they seem to be handling it well. I guess I can't do a grow journal but I have uploaded several pics to the plant gallery from day 1 to day 21 so take a look and let me know what you think.
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