Extremely slow growth - Need input


New Member
I had posted here before and got some input (Thanks again) but the post was deleted because I didn't post the pictures correctly.

I've work on some issues with my box and the temps now stay around 73-85 degrees and I brought my RH up a little. I'm guessing that I was rootbound (seemed to be rooted well) in my solo cups so I transplanted them into some larger containers and about 3 days later I'm still not noticing any growth.

I'm wondering if my soil temps must be too low? This is my first grow and idk what gives, I planted these from germed seeds 20 days ago and they will not grow... I am noticing a purple tint to the stems now and the outer side of the leaves and am assuming its a nutrient lockout because of low soil temp?

In the other post I noted the dying of the first set of leaves on 2 plants but not the other 2.

Unknown strain: friend grows it so I know what i'm normally supposed to see
300w LED - 6 inches from plants.

Looks like nitrogen deficiency due to pH imbalance, or just lockout of everything. Need to get her fed, and get that led at least 16 inches away for now. I wouldn't let the light get any closer than 8 inches, and only in flower at that point. Double check your pH
Re: Extremely slow growth. Need input

number 1 rule..
dont ever water
should add nutes,, there was an experiment on some seedlings, one was fed nutes after 5 days and one was fed 3 weeks later.. the one that got the nutes early took off.. it was no competition...

20oz should be enough for atleast 3 days or more.. they will drink slow because it barely has roots..
Re: Extremely slow growth. Need input

Hey Strykr, did you get it figured out?

This happened to me twice. It turned out to be a ph issue with the soil. The soil was great in first run but for some reason turned alkaline months later. Water going in at 6.7 came out at 8.1. I tossed the soil and everything was ok on my next go. And also like Peyton said keep that led light at least 16" above. I like to keep it 24" above during the delicate seedling stage.

Good luck.
Re: Extremely slow growth. Need input

number 1 rule..
dont ever water
should add nutes,, there was an experiment on some seedlings, one was fed nutes after 5 days and one was fed 3 weeks later.. the one that got the nutes early took off.. it was no competition...

20oz should be enough for atleast 3 days or more.. they will drink slow because it barely has roots..

I entirely disagree with that statement nutrients can severely cause damage to a young seedling period.
Re: Extremely slow growth. Need input

Mines looked a little like this after the same time, although the leaves weren't quite as bad. I took a stab at it being nute burn from the medium and flushed it with evian water. This kinda backfired as evian water contains nutes. But after that growth exploded and my girls are looking great. Not saying this is by anymeans the best method, but it may be a gentle way to kickstart a seedling. I'm sure the pros will have better advice.
Surprised no one pegged this easy one. Your Roots are Depleted of Oxygen from the Mud you have them in. you need a more aerated soil or simply add perlite. Report back as i know this will solve your problem.
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