Mars Hydro
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  • Hey Mars Hydro!

    I ordered my TSW 2000 cca. 2 month ago, and even if it wasn't available at EU stocks at the time, i contacted the sales and guess what, 2 days later they contacted me that the light i wanted is at stock again, so i was very happy:)
    Im pretty satisfied with the light and the Mars Hydro team too. I saw your posts here, so i was thinking, first i address my question to you, before i contact the official support. So, my problem is:
    When my light is on 75%, there are 4 more dots till 100%, but after ~85% i can't see any light increasement. Is this a normal thing, or maybe a faulty driver? And altought there is no visible light increasement, there is slight heat increasement, like it supposed to be. Sadly i dont have a lux/par meter to check things correctly. Maybe you guys at Mars Hydro heard something like this before?

    Mars Hydro
    Mars Hydro
    Don't worry, your light is fine. Light intensity increases very little after 85% and may not be visible to the eye. It needs to be measured with a professional measuring instrument.

    Buds Buddy
    Buds Buddy
    The TSW 2000 rocks it ! I was pulling 9 - 11 oz. per plant with 1 light over each plant.
    You need a Lux Meter to really see the difference in brightness. I rarely put my lights over 90%. The diodes burn up faster at 100% so at 90% I get more life out of my lights.
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    Thanks for the reactions guys. In the next 1 or 2 month i'm going to buy a lux meter, just to be sure everything is ok.
    I take your advice and going to use it only @90%.
    Have a nice day!
    I have a question, I am new to the forum. I purchased a TSL2000 last Friday 4/8/22, from the mars hydro official website Indoor Led Grow Lights & Grow Tents and I only received a confirmation email of my order. It is now Monday night and I haven't received a tracking number yet.
    Mars Hydro
    Mars Hydro
    Please don't worry, is our official website. I have contacted customer service to reply you ASAP.
    Buds Buddy
    Buds Buddy
    Be patient. It will be well worth it in the long run. I've been growing about 5 years now. I've tried at least 30 different lights. There are no better mid range priced lights than Mars Hydro. I believe they have the perfect light spectrum on the TS series lights which I'm a big fan of. The TSL2000 ROCKS ! I'm using 1 now & planning to get 2 more. All my best yields (9-11 oz. per plant) were with the Mars Hydro TSW2000's.
    Same light as the TSL. Boards are just set up different. Anyway, just saying you will be very happy with the light & it's results.
    I just bought a new MARS HYDRO TS 3000 and what a difference There is another world outside of Burple, Burple may have its purpose With this awesome light I feel like a real grower, and now I just gotta learn what I'm doing I have some awesome people here on 420 Magazine have really been helping me I'm so glad I found this forum. The only thing that is a big Disappointment to me is I didn't get any awesome Mars Hydro stickers to put on my tent so people know what I got inside that smells so good? when I make videos and take pictures would be nice to show off (61 yrs old and I'm whing because I didn't get any stickers:( I sound like of of my grandkids.)
    I have received two Mars Hydro TSW 2000's and both have what appears to be bad red diodes that are not as bright as the others. There two pairs on both sides that are not as bright as the others. Are these defective or designed to be lower?
    Hey can you mob sponsor me a tent/light set up unit that I can have my fun with experiments etc and so on. Will keep you mob updated on everything I grow future wise in Australia here aswell as make you guys my main people I can produce good looking plants for displaying etc. I'm 23 years old and a heck lot better then most oldies but Goldies og mob I do know. Give me a chance and keepe up to date please .
    • Haha
    Reactions: HappyHazmat88
    I'm 23 years old and a heck lot better then most oldies but Goldies og mob I do know.

    Hey my TSW2000 just started flickering on one of my boards, so half of it. While it’s at 100% strength. So for now I just dimmed the power down to 75% and lowered the light. I’m about 2 months past owning it for a year. Am I able to do anything with it?
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    Mars Hydro
    Mars Hydro
    Can you tell me where you bought it? I'll send you the corresponding customer service email. Let them help you solve the problem.
    I bought it from the Mars Hydro Amazon
    Hi @Mars Hydro - I got lucky and was picked as a winner of a Black Friday gift
    Whilst I am delighted to have been picked (and I am looking for a new extractor fan) I am in the UK and suspect that is a problem particularly as the voucher is for $$
    I understand I may not be able to claim my prize - if that is the case please add it to the prize for the next round
    Many thanks
    Hello I’m having humidity issues when lights on the humidity is 45-50 however with lights off it’s 65-68. I have a 2x2x4 tent with ac infinity t4 with 2 clip fans. Any suggestions
    Lights Mars Hydro TS 600 W as well
    Buds Buddy
    Buds Buddy
    If you are in Veg you should be trying to get 60% - 70% RH anyway. In flower you want low RH around 35%... but below 50% RH will get you by.
    Buds Buddy
    Buds Buddy
    Look up VPD Chart. It will show you what your RH should be at different Temps.
    Hey MarsHydro,
    U am really glad to find you guys here.
    I am really new into the LED growing and I’ve got a question.
    I am growing in a 1x1x2m tent with a Mars Hydro TSW3000.
    I will start growing with Gorilla Glue clones in an Autopot-System on Coco+correls.
    Which height and dimmer settings do you recommend in the different phases of the plants?
    Thanks in advance
    Hello. I was recommended to reach out to you as i am looking to replace my 2 x Vipraspectra reflector 900's.

    I wanted to get two FC3000 or two FC-E3000, but im a little conflicted since FC models have Samsung diodes while FC-E has BrightLux diodes, but on the other hand FC-E models have UV which would be an added benefit. If you would happen to have some advice for what would be the better option here for someone running 4 plants in a 5x5 that would be great, but my main reason for reaching out is that i am located in the EU, and there is no lights in stock on the EU site. They are all listed as Pre-order.

    I wanted to get my new grow started pretty soon, and would like to order new lights on the 10th of next month. Do you have any indication on when they will be back in stock, or if there is some way of getting them shipped from a different warehouse with an EU plug. I would of course be ok with paying extra shipping costs due to this. I also wanted to ask if there is any possibility of getting a good deal on these? I understand if now, but i figured i would at least ask.
    I can't locate an option to direct message you. I'm looking for lights for my new grow. I'm already using the SP 3000's and love them, but I need about 30 of them. I'm looking for the best pricing discounts from the manufacturers I'm considering and would love to fill my room with your sp-3000s, if the price is right. Pm me please.
    @Mars Hydro I'm currently having issues with my TSW2000 light, it shocked me today, both without power applied and with power applied. I'm not sure why, but its 2 weeks old and this shouldn't be happening. I've contacted support, I left a voicemail as well, is there anything that can be done to replace the light as soon as possible?

    Heres a Link where it's being used in my grow journal as well, I started it when I got my equipment. Mars Hydro 4x4 Indoor Grow: TSW2000W LED, 2 Strains, Autogrow - First Time
    Hi guys, I have been in contact with Joy jo recently and I was sent out a 4 x 8 tent. I’ve just gone to put it together and noticed I’m missing a few pieces. I have all the poles but I’m missing all the corner pieces to link to poles together? I have emailed Joy jo back but it’s usually a few days to get a reply. It’s quite urgent as I need to get the tent put up :(
    U picked my comment for the a little sad to say, i cant use it..i just bought a light from yall a month i am tapped out.. im waiting to get my non working light, working again, or a new 1...thanks for the offer of a coupon..i was really trying to win a light..i need it alot..needed a new light a month ago when i got the tsw2000..i have a ts1000, and i love it..thats why i saved up a little bit of $ each week for almost a yr..i dont make but 11$ a hr..i know its only 4.5 days of me working, but i have bills also..sorry to make a long post..but some1 else can probably use the coupon..thx again
    Good morning Mars Hydro,

    I purchased the 4x4 grow system with the tsw2000 light. Packaging says this will cover 4x4 veg and 3x3 flower. Is there a light I can add so I can do 4x4 flower? I want to maximize my next grow. I just starting two plants now since I’m a newbie. I would like to do 4. I tried contacting the site twice but no answer.
    Thanks so much
    Hello mars hydro. I'm a 100% first timer. I purchased the 4×4 tent kit with the tsw 2000 w dimmer and I need to know at what light intensity and height do I need to be at for sprouting and seedlings
    Mars Hydro
    Mars Hydro
    Recommended dimming level

    Precondition: hanging distance at 12’’-18’’

    Germination: 30%; Seedling: 50%-75%; Veg: 75%-100%; Flower: 100%
    Morning Mars Hydro,

    I've ordered a ts3000 as I mentioned in my intro post you participated in, and in my endless scrolling of the Internet and this forum I noticed a post where someone asks about the site "" being the UK website where you then told them that "" was the site and they service the UK.

    I have purchased my light through ""

    I'm a little concerned I've either purchased a fake or it will not arrive. Do you have any information relating to this site and its legitimacy?

    Was hoping to get my current girls actually budding and start a video journal for the next full grow im preparing under the ts3000..

    I'm a little worried my whole plan has been destroyed by scammers.

    Hopefully you are able confirm this is not the case.. and so with my fingers crossed for luck was hoping you could get back to me and put my mind at rest..

    Many thanks

    hello marshydro , how come you do not ship to the North or Ireland . ive tried to order the light from different sellers selling on your behalf and getting my orders cancelled , they say you refuse to ship here now , you be lucky getting one sent now they say
    Mars Hydro
    Mars Hydro
    Due to the Brexit, the goods in our UK warehouse cannot be sent to Europe and Northern Ireland. We are also coordinating with the local transporters on this issue
    no worries , i ended up i put my light on a mover and make that do for now , it is covering them all now , and the mover i bought a year ago and never used so kill two birds with one stone ,
    thanks for the heads up though :thumb: maybe some day

    Sticky fingaz
    Sticky fingaz
    Hey Nutty, how we doing?

    Sorry to just barge in here but I thought I may be able to help. I'm in the UK & I'll be purchasing a new Mars hydro light myself in the next couple of weeks. If you wanted to I could have a light sent to me, you can pay me through paypal or something & I could then send it on to you. There's always a way lol! Just a thought anyway :thumb:

    Take it ez mate.

    One :love:
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