
  1. X

    Botrytis Nightmare

    You never lived til you have been through a botrytis grow season. My ladies looked like divas until 6 weeks into flowering last year before the nightmare during harvest occurred. I barely made it out alive with crops. Now I know botrytis is not new. I am just new to botrytis. I'm wondering if...
  2. C

    Day 9 - Not looking good - What's wrong?

    I'm only on Day 9 and my plants don't seem right. Using Fox Farms Ocean Forest w Perlite and Jack Herer Autoflower seeds. The issue appears to be leaf discoloration. I am only watering w no nutrients thus far under LEDs. Any ideas?
  3. Blue281

    High All

    Hello new member here. Just thought id say hi, been using this forum for a while but only just signed up. Been growing around a year now with a stealth closet set up, growing only auto flowers so far. Great hobby! Hopefully will be starting a grow journey on my next grow so I'll see some of you...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    WA: Bill Introduced To Allow Marijuana Grown At Home

    A bill has been introduced in the state Legislature that would allow marijuana users to grow their own supply at home. Washington is the only state that allows for retail, recreational marijuana but doesn't also permit cannabis to be grown at home unless by registered medical patients. The...
  5. JimmyJames905

    Charcoal filters - How good are they?

    I recently tried to use my 12+ year old filter only to find the fan is fried and the charcoal is possibly depleted. (Update...purchased in 1994 and uses "scent crystals" not activated charcoal) So on to eBay I went and purchased a 4" inline fan with 4"x20" charcoal canister. The canister is...
  6. D

    Did my cat find my plants?

    alright so i'm doing an outdoor grow and something ate some of the leafs on all my plants not a lot or many mainly ones that were a little affected by transplant so wasnt such a bad thing but now have chicken wire around them... my only other thoughts would have been rabbits or rats, but no...
  7. H

    Purple Kush w/Eagle Claw

    Hi, new to the forum...maybe someone has already asked this question, but here goes. Growing 3 Purple Kush from CK along with several Indica-dominant strains in a tent. Only the Purple Kush has the "Eagle Claw" and only at the top spire of each plant. Is this nitrogen toxicity? All plants potted...
  8. CookieMan

    What are these spots?

    Hi, any idea what these spots might be on my fan leaves. They are only on 2 out of the 4 plants I have and only on the lowest fan leaves. Plants are just under 1 month old. They are in fox farm ocean forest. Temps were a bit high until recently. They were 85-90, but I just fixed that on Saturday...
  9. C

    What is this white bugs?

    :Namaste: It's only in the soil, only in one of my two pots, it doesn't seems to be affecting the plant but I don't really know if its bad to have it. They kinda jump when I water the weed and it doesn't seems to be Cochineal
  10. cnile

    Solving limited circuits - Limited power for room

    i am begining to think about something other than high pressure sodium and metal halide because i have discovered there is only like 1 cicuit where i am of 120v/15a. has anyone used an led in place of a 150 watt metal halide for mothers? how did that work? how many plants could you fit under...
  11. Katelyn Baker

    New Plastic 'Zeoform' Turns Hemp Into Almost Anything

    What if todays plastics could be made from materials that were not only sustainable but non toxic? Today, our plastics are made from oil which means not only are we putting toxic chemicals into our atmosphere, but we are also filling our environment with products that cannot bio-degrade. A...
  12. G

    Organic tea help

    I'm a dwc grower and have had several grows with just a chiller and no issues. However this grow all of my seedlings are being killed off by brown slime/root rot. My chiller keeps temps below 20c 24/7 I use h2o2 however it only keeps it at bay for 48 hours and then comes back. I have read...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    NY: Access To Medical Marijuana May Improve

    Medical marijuana may become easier to obtain after nurse practitioners are allowed to certify patients for the drug starting Wednesday. The state Department of Health announced that change this week as a way to improve patient access to medical cannabis therapies. That change and others have...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Grown In Uruguay Only Enough For 25% Of Consumers

    Marijuana grown in Uruguay only enough for 25% of consumers. The Monitoring Cannabis team of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of the Republic estimated that only 25% of regular consumers will be able to access legal marijuana from Uruguay. By October 2016, 5,332 farmers were...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    Backers Pushing Marijuana Legalization In Arizona Concede Defeat

    Phoenix - Backers of recreational use of marijuana finally conceded Tuesday what has been generally known for a week: Arizona voters didn't like their proposal. While some ballots are still being tabulated, the most recent figures from the secretary of state show Proposition 205 trailing by...
  16. C

    Help! Some flowers are growing on a branch of one of my plants!

    HELP! one of the branches on one of the girls seems to have some sort of flowers on it... only in the last few days and it looks like only one branch of one plant. does anyone have any idea about this? i hope it doesn't take the whole crop out... i panic'd...
  17. Katelyn Baker

    'Yes' Vote On CA Prop 64, Marijuana Legalization, A No-Brainer

    Irrespective of whether a citizen favors or opposes adult recreational marijuana consumption, a "yes" vote on California's Proposition 64: The Marijuana Legalization Initiative, is a no-brainer. The measure would legalize possession and use for adults 21 and older, create a new Bureau of...
  18. D

    Small Indoor Strain

    Hello, fellow ganja pros! Old-time grower here trying for modern strains & methods. Soooo much has changed (updated) over the past 40-years of growing that it's like learning all over again. Surprisingly, it's not easy to find a discussion venue that isn't populated almost exclusively by...
  19. L

    LED lighting question

    i got a full spectum led light with 2 switch which the green is for the blue and white and the red is for full red, should i run only the red only during flowering or i should run both all the way to the end? any input would be apperciated!
  20. G

    Flowering 10 days but plants are dropping like crazy

    hi does anyone have any idea if this is over or under watering. I'm gutted I spent 6-8 weeks veg now since the flip 10 days ago they've stopped growing and looked like shit. This photo was from the other day when it was only 1 plant but now it's all of them:( please help as family coming over at...
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