
  1. BedroomFarmer

    How to clone the easy way! Using dewey misters!

    How to clone with dewey!! Clones taken 7/24 Clones taken 7/24!! Today 8/03 ROOTS! 3/4 WITH the 4th currently striking! Roots in 10 days!!! Probably would go faster under lower light. The dewey bucket! Deweys can be used in a diy or any other aero cloner. No fountain...
  2. G

    Rooty! Toot! Toot!

    Newbie using Roots Organic Nutrients and Roots Original Soil What do you think? Can I improve anywhere
  3. M

    What week is she now? After shock DWC

    Hi, few weeks ago I was dealing with larva in my reservoir on the plants roots. First I saw that my plant is stuck and not growing. I have tried to understand why does she stopped growing, I was trying to fix any nuts problem and ive couldnt figure this out. then, i looked closely on the...
  4. lukebro

    Anyone ever seen this?

    On one of my clones from the bubble cloner, I'm noticing some blue on a few of the roots. Anyone ever experienced this? Also, should i just snip off the stems below the roots that arent growing anything? Help is much appreciated :thanks::Namaste::thumb:
  5. S

    3D Printed Root Lattice

    I have avoided doing DWC so far because I enjoy maintaining a single reservoir, wanted to avoid root rot type issues and just generally wanted to experiment a bit in a unique direction that I haven't seen around here. That said the method of hydro I have undertaken (one successful harvest under...
  6. P

    Clones in water bottles and light on roots

    Just a quick question.... i see lots of fellas cloning in water bottles, then theres always someone that comes along and says...roots dont like light, dont clone in water bottles..... well, it works whether the roots like light or not.... but i threw some clones in some old beer bottles...
  7. C

    Should I start flowering?

    my DWC has been doing ok! one plant isnt growing cause i think i had to many pebbles at the bottom blocking the roots from growing which i fixed now but everything is lookin great!! the plants got about 6 feet till they hit the light.. should i start...
  8. Agemon

    What the hell?

    Indoor clones in Happy Frog soil. I just switched to 600 watt LED yesterday. Temp is staying around 78-80 degrees. I flushed about 2 days ago. Doing LST for about 3 weeks now. Aside from this issue the plants have had no issues. Last feeding I gave a regular dose of Flora Nova Grow...
  9. T

    Need to promote root growth - Help me!!

    I have recently acquired 3 plants from an old hydro setup, the root systems on all were dwindling at best. and one is almost non existent. they seem to be doing ok, i just know there not getting the nutrients they need because of the lack of roots. the question is simply this. The plants have...
  10. R

    Droopy leaves near end of each light cycle: Why?

    Strain - Himalaya Blue Diesel Auto from Short Stuff Seeds # of Plants - 1 Grow Type - Soil (Roots Organics) Grow Stage - Flower day 19 (day 47 from seed) Bucket Size - 5 Gallon fabric Lights - (1) 300 Watt Mars-Hydro LED Nutrients - Roots Organics 5 ml Master Pack (feed about 1.5 ml each per gal...
  11. P

    Airstones v Those ring things

    Yesterday I swapped buckets out for new ones with new nutes, etc. and noticed how the roots are all in the middle (yeah, no &$*#! sherlock) and lots of them. For my first grow, I bought 4" air stones that are centered in the bucket. After seeing the mess of roots, made me wonder if I had...
  12. B

    Roots growing above medium? How bad a shape am I in?

    So I saw that my new roots starting growing above my medium (hydroton) a little bit... not much... just little nubs. I read around on the forum and saw that meant they were root-bound. I figured that must mean not enough oxygen since I'm in a bubbleponic system. I then checked and saw that...
  13. J

    How to make my roots grow?

    Hello all I have 2 Fem WW at around day 53 from seed. They where in 1 gal smart pots but I heard you can transplant them into Thier bigger pots simply dropping them in and they will grow roots right through the old one. Well they had a pretty major set back about 2-3 weeks ago when my fresh air...
  14. G

    Drooping leaves

    Coco grow Strain - Blue Dream x3 (seed), shining silver haze x1 (clone) Grow Type - Coco (buffed) 65%, Perlite 25%, Clay pebbles 10% Pots - 11l (3 gallons) Grow stage - Early veg Light - 250w HPS Air cooled Nutrients - General Hydroponics + Cal/mag PH - 5.8 - 6.5 RH - 40% - 50%...
  15. TheFertilizer

    What happens when you plant into a pot that's already been grown in?

    I have 5 pots from my last grow with the roots still intact, they're in Happy Frog soil, and I was wondering what would happen if I cut out the top of the root ball and then planted seedlings into them? Would they root easier by following the paths of the old roots? Would there be an issue with...
  16. Katelyn Baker

    Canada: Phil Fontaine Enters Marijuana Business

    Ottawa - A former national indigenous leader is launching a new venture to take weed to reserves. Phil Fontaine, former head of both the Assembly of First Nations and the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, will lead Indigenous Roots, a medical marijuana company with a goal to build and operate...
  17. B

    Flowering in 1gal pots

    I have some 5wk old clones in 1gal pots,now I see roots coming out the bottom, I'm keeping them in their 1gal pots, do I need to root cut or just let them go, will the roots affect the flowering.
  18. The Germinator

    Should I dilute?

    So today I put the flora trio nutes into My two five gal buckets. I mis calculated putting the recommended in. I meant to go half. The roots arent out of the basket yet. My ppm is 400... too high? Ty.
  19. I

    Roots might be forcing me to up-pot too early?

    So I thought I was being clever on this 2nd grow of mine by placing the smaller starter pot inside the 5 gallon pot (pre-filled with soil) making for a quick and easy transplant when needed. Well I won't be doing that again. It's only 12 days since she sprouted and two roots escaped from the...
  20. Katelyn Baker

    Welcome To Our New Sponsor GeoPot

    Please join us in welcoming our new sponsor GeoPot to our mission of spreading Cannabis awareness to the world. 420 Magazine began life 23 years ago in an endeavor to end prohibition by creating a forum where appreciation and awareness of the Cannabis plant could flourish. We are not only the...
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