
  1. E

    First time grower!

    Hello Everyone I'm growing two plants in a 60cmx60cmx140cm grow tent with a 250 watt lamp and they seem to be growing well, they are now 6 weeks. Do they need to be pruned ? When should I flower them ? They are approximately 37cm. Cheers any advice welcome :thumb:
  2. D

    Information Overload - With Pics

    Hi folks, I'll try and make this as short as possible. This is my first attempt at indoor gardening. I started with 4 miscellanious seeds of which 3 germinated. It appeared that 2 were indica, and 1 sativa. They're now growing in Schultz cactus and succulent potting mix. They're growing under...
  3. D

    Losing one of my plants

    Help!!!! I have 3 different strains growing in a closet. My plan was that these 3 would be Mother plants. All 3 were planted on the same day, same soil, water, light, etc. The White Walker and the Baikal Express seem to be doing okay but my Sweet Critical seems to be dying. This all...
  4. M

    Fresh air circulation

    Hey guys... I'm very beginner and really enthusiastic about growing indoor marijuana. I'd be very happy if you illuminate that: I'm living in a flat and thinking of growing the plants in a room, not in a cabin. The idea of opening a hole on the wall doesn't seem like applicable. This...
  5. A

    Virus - TMV?

    Sorry upload wont complete from laptop.. been looking online for hours and cant seem to pinpoint it.. my plants all have white specs thru out the bigger fan leaves approx 2 weeks into flower... more advanced symptoms seem to be end of leaf curling and browning Any help mucho appreciated.
  6. J

    Leaf weirdness, yet all readings seem good!

    2nd grow here, full hydro setup, running clones of chernobyl (what a bear to grow...) and a seed from what my caregiver claimed was called 'girl scout' (not cookies, just girl scout). First run went great, but I didn't have real nuts, just some miracle grow hydro crap. Now I'm using grow...
  7. Amadeus Forzin

    Autos and gas lantern routine

    Has anyone here ever grown autos under the gas lantern routine? I can't seem to find any info.
  8. B

    Seedling problems

    Hi to all started 3 Girl Scout cookie in coco Cana 70%coco 30% perlite anyway 1 seed was a dud but 2 germinated There in 11 litre pots under 250w CFL they are 9days above soil but don't seem to be growing has anybody got any idea what I'm doing wrong I would add photos but don't no how
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