
  1. Katelyn Baker

    Forristall - Medical Marijuana Study Results Could Influence Iowa Law

    An Iowa lawmaker said Wednesday the Legislature might revisit the state's medical marijuana law if a study at the University of Nebraska Medical Center produces positive results. UNMC is recruiting Nebraska residents for a clinical trial that investigates the use of cannabidiol in patients...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    Forristall - Medical Marijuana Study Results Could Influence Iowa Law

    An Iowa lawmaker said Wednesday the Legislature might revisit the state's medical marijuana law if a study at the University of Nebraska Medical Center produces positive results. UNMC is recruiting Nebraska residents for a clinical trial that investigates the use of cannabidiol in patients...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    Study Shows Medical Cannabis Effectively Relieves Pain

    Medical marijuana users experience significant pain relief and improvement in function while suffering only minor side effects, according to a new study by Prof. Pesach Shvartzman of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU). This was the first study on the characteristics of patients who have...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    Study Shows Medical Cannabis Effectively Relieves Pain

    Medical marijuana users experience significant pain relief and improvement in function while suffering only minor side effects, according to a new study by Prof. Pesach Shvartzman of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU). This was the first study on the characteristics of patients who have...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    Long-Term Cannabis Use Not Associated With Health Problems, Study Finds

    The debate over whether the benefits of marijuana use are worth the risks continues to rage, as more and more states make moves to legalize it. While much remains unknown about its effects, a group of researchers recently made an important discovery that should lay some doubts to rest: Long-term...
  6. C

    20-Year Marijuana Study Could Blaze A Trail That Supporters Have Been Waiting For

    The marijuana industry is blossoming, and 2016 could wind up being its best year yet in a number of ways. Marijuana keeps expanding despite federal inaction. Since California first approved Proposition 215 in 1996 to provide certain patients with medical marijuana on the basis of compassionate...
  7. C

    Long-Term Pot Smoking Doesn't Seem To Harm Health: Study

    Using pot, even over decades, was only linked to one negative health effect in a new study Even after years of heavy use, marijuana doesn't seem to have much of an impact on the physical health of the body. So finds a recent study published in JAMA Psychiatry, which analyzed data from a group...
  8. C

    First Ever Trial For Marijuana Treatment Of PTSD Approved By DEA

    Marijuana might just be the next new thing for treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), more popularly known for cracking down on drugs users and abusers, formally approved a randomized controlled trial of whole plant medicinal...
  9. C

    First Ever Trial For Marijuana Treatment Of PTSD Approved By DEA

    Marijuana might just be the next new thing for treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), more popularly known for cracking down on drugs users and abusers, formally approved a randomized controlled trial of whole plant medicinal...
  10. C

    Phoenix VA Blocks Local Doctor from Giving Lecture on Marijuana Study

    A Phoenix doctor is conducting a study this summer focusing on how marijuana affects veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. Dr. Sue Sisley wants to give a lecture on her cannabis study to medical staff at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Medical Center. She said the hospital is blocking her...
  11. C

    Phoenix VA Blocks Local Doctor from Giving Lecture on Marijuana Study

    A Phoenix doctor is conducting a study this summer focusing on how marijuana affects veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. Dr. Sue Sisley wants to give a lecture on her cannabis study to medical staff at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Medical Center. She said the hospital is blocking her...
  12. LEDBud

    THC preventative treatment for Alzheimer's

    This is some good news for us Pot heads as we all become Seniors tick tock tick tock The Effects of Medical Marijuana on Alzheimer’s Prevention A preclinical study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that very small doses of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a chemical found in...
  13. R

    LA: Senate Committee Kills Bill To Allow For Hemp Growth And Study

    State Rep. Jack Montoucet's push to allow Louisiana academic institutions to study industrial hemp has met its end in the Senate. The Crowley lawmaker failed to convince the Senate Agriculture Committee on Tuesday that his House-approved bill could help farming revenue and wouldn't lead to...
  14. R

    DEA Approves PTSD Marijuana Study

    The Drug Enforcement Agency has given its blessing to a study on the effect of medical marijuana on post-traumatic stress disorder, the first randomized, controlled research in the U.S. for PTSD that will use the actual plant instead of oils or synthesized cannabis. According to the...
  15. R

    DEA Approves PTSD Marijuana Study

    The Drug Enforcement Agency has given its blessing to a study on the effect of medical marijuana on post-traumatic stress disorder, the first randomized, controlled research in the U.S. for PTSD that will use the actual plant instead of oils or synthesized cannabis. According to the...
  16. H

    Quick question

    I'm sorry in advance as I know the answer to this is in so many threads here but I just can't seem to find a straight answer. What is the best way for my mother with lung cancer to take the oil. Tacking? Eating? Or under the tongue? I got lost for over an hour in sweet sues study hall then...
  17. R

    Marijuana Legalization 2016: Lawmakers In Hawaii Want Study On Cannabis And Driving

    As states across the U.S. legalize cannabis for medicinal purposes, lawmakers are faced with difficult questions, such as: How much marijuana can somebody consume before getting behind the wheel of a car? Legislators in Hawaii have asked the state's Health Department to study the issue, the...
  18. R

    Stoned Vs Drunk Driving: New Study Reveals Which Is More Dangerous

    Getting behind the wheel while stoned is indeed dangerous but not nearly as much as previously thought, according to a study by two Norwegian researchers. Published in the journal Addiction, the study investigated how likely drivers who had been using cannabis were to get into a car accident...
  19. R

    Medical Marijuana Reduces Use Of Opioids, Decreases Risk For Some With Chronic Pain

    Patients using medical marijuana to control chronic pain reported a 64 percent reduction in their use of more traditional prescription pain medications known as opioids, a University of Michigan study finds. The 185 patients from a medical marijuana dispensary in Ann Arbor also reported fewer...
  20. R

    Alabama Legislator Pushes To Legalize Medical Marijuana Oil

    An Alabama legislator wants to decriminalize the possession of medicinal marijuana oil in a bid to help families dealing with serious epilepsy and other medical conditions. The House Judiciary Committee heard public testimony last week on a bill put forward by State Rep. Mike Ball which would...
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