
  1. Ron Strider

    Trump Indicated Where He Stands On Medical Marijuana For First Time Since Took Office

    President Donald Trump issued his first statement on medical marijuana since he took office. Trump on Friday signed a $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill that will keep the federal government funded through September 30. The congressionally approved bill includes a rider – the Rohrabacher -...
  2. Ron Strider

    Trump Spurns Congress As He Signals Medical Marijuana Fight

    President Donald Trump signaled he may ignore a congressional ban on interfering with state medical marijuana laws, arguing in a lengthy statement that he isn't legally bound by a series of limits lawmakers imposed on him. Trump issued the "signing statement" Friday after he signed a measure...
  3. Ron Strider

    Donald Trump And Marijuana: Will The Two Biggest Winners Of 2016 Get Along?

    President-elect Donald Trump and President Barack Obama don’t agree on much, but they do have one thing in common: Both say that marijuana legalization should be left to the states. “Reversing course and going against the tide of history would present huge political problems that the new...
  4. Ron Strider

    The Trump Crackdown On Legal Marijuana Probably Isn't Coming

    Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper said he doesn't think the Trump administration will crack down on states that have legalized marijuana, following an hour-long conversation with Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday. Sessions "didn't give me any reason to think that he's going to come...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    Why Trump Could Be Good For The Cannabis Industry

    "The Trump effect is good news for the cannabis industry," said lawyer Lawrence Horwitz at the California Cannabis Business Expo in San Diego on Monday. That comment shocked many attendees who fear that the Trump administration is going to crack down on recreational marijuana. Horwitz, of the...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    GOP Governors To Trump - It's Too Late To Turn Back The Clock On Medical Marijuana

    Despite the Trump administration’s proposed crackdown on recreational marijuana, some Republicans are coming to terms with the fact that medical weed is here and it’s not going anywhere. Trump’s Department of Justice announced plans for greater federal enforcement of laws against recreational...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    5 Things Donald Trump Should Know Before He Shuts Down The Legal Marijuana Industry

    Marijuana, like alcohol, can regulated, taxed and used in moderation by adults who choose it, like a glass of wine with dinner. The burgeoning legal cannabis industry wants Donald Trump to know five critical benefits to marijuana legalization. Law and Order: Legalizing marijuana reduces...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    What Attorney General Sessions Will Do About Cannabis Is Still Unclear

    On the campaign trail, Donald Trump said his administration would "do" medical marijuana and let the states decide about legalization for themselves. Then, on the heels of passing eight state marijuana reform initiatives in 2016, his choice for Attorney General rattled reformers. Every...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    California Is Wondering If Trump And Sessions Will Relaunch The War On Drugs

    California and the Trump administration are developing a relationship of mutual hostility that is growing more intense each day. Golden State lawmakers are bristling at the new administration's immigration policies and pledging defiance in the face of Trump's attacks on "sanctuary cities." The...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    Boulder County District Attorney Named To Trump Marijuana Advisory Group

    Boulder, Colo. – Boulder County District Attorney Stan Garnett was been chosen for a group that will advise the Trump administration on marijuana policies. Garnett will be part of the National District Attorney's Association. It will include 14 district attorneys from across the country who...
  11. Katelyn Baker

    NY: Lead State Senator Writes To Trump Asking That Feds Allow Medical Marijuana Law

    Albany - The lead state Senate sponsor of New York's medical marijuana law has written to President Trump asking that the feds allow such state programs to continue. Sen. Diane Savino (D-Staten Island) wrote to Trump on Dec. 9 when he was President-elect encouraging him to direct his Attorney...
  12. Katelyn Baker

    Illinois Treasurer Asks Trump To Assure Banks On Marijuana

    Springfield – The Illinois treasurer has sent President Donald Trump a letter urging him to give clear guidance to the banking industry about medical marijuana. State Treasurer Michael Frerichs issued a news release Monday saying Trump's approach will be crucial to the continuing availability...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    The Perfect Storm That Could Cripple The Marijuana Industry Under Trump

    The marijuana industry is waiting to see how President Donald Trump and his administration will treat the state-regulated marijuana industry. Many entrepreneurs believe he will support states' rights, but a long-time medical marijuana lobbyist says she is "frightened" for the industry's future...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    Some Red States Supported Marijuana More Than Donald Trump

    America's red states may be responsible for Donald Trump's presidential election, but some of those states think just as highly about legalizing marijuana as they do Trump, if not even more. Five states with marijuana-related initiatives on their November 2016 ballot showed similar support...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    CA: Girl Seeking Make-A-Wish To Meet With Donald Trump, Advocate For Medical Cannabis

    Doctors predicted that Sadie Higuera, a 3-year-old from Ramona, CA, would be dead by now, and even at one point recommended a drug that would end her life at just a few months old. Sadie was born with Schinzel—Giedion syndrome, a rare, terminal, neurodegenerative disorder that causes severe...
  16. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Industry Reacts To Trump Attorney General Appointment

    President-elect Donald Trump's decision to appoint U.S, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) as attorney general has kicked up a storm in the cannabis industry. Many fear Sessions, a vocal opponent of marijuana, will come down hard on the business, even if they complied with their state laws. Jeff...
  17. Katelyn Baker

    5 Ways The Marijuana Industry Might Look Under President Trump

    The marijuana industry is facing an existential threat. Of course, cannabis has always faced an existential crisis, when you think about it. But facing an incoming President Trump presents a whole new set of obstacles. During the 2016 election, voters really didn't have an incredibly solid idea...
  18. Katelyn Baker

    The Trump Effect On Marijuana Legalization

    With 1-in-5 Americans now living in a state that will have some form of legalized marijuana, all eyes are on President-elect Donald Trump and the federal government to see what action if any will be taken to address the issue that's thrust many states into a legal quagmire. On the presidential...
  19. Katelyn Baker

    DC: Marijuana Legalization Supporters To Hand Out 4,200 Joints At Trump Inauguration

    Marijuana legalization activists in the nation's capital plan to hand out thousands of joints during President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration as a way to raise awareness of about the fragility of legal pot under his administration. The advocacy group behind the ballot initiative that...
  20. Katelyn Baker

    Where Does Trump Stand On Pot? Advocates Want To Know

    Washington, D.C. - A group of the top political supporters of legalizing marijuana gathered in July at a cocktail reception to toast what they were certain was upcoming national recognition of their cause that would lead to success on Capitol Hill. "This is the year that this issue crests,"...
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