
  1. Katelyn Baker

    Trump And Marijuana - The Un-Rosy Scenario

    A few weeks ago I wrote a piece in this space ("Yikes! Sessions!," Nov. 24, 2016) that listed some of the reasons why I thought Trump wouldn't re-start the war on marijuana – despite the fact that he named Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, a reefer-madness-obsessed crank, as his choice for Attorney...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    The Trump Administration And Legalized Marijuana

    Incoming Attorney General, Senator Jeff Sessions (R:AL) has taken a firm and consistent stand against legalization of Marijuana. If confirmed by the US Senate, and he will be, AG Sessions is widely thought to be likely to abandon the Obama Administration's "look the other way" policy on state...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    Trump Won't Stop California's Legal Marijuana Industry, ICBC Predicts

    The impending Trump presidential administration may come with a number of concerns, but making weed illegal again won't be one of them, industry experts suggest. President-elect Donald Trump will likely not use his resources to change state marijuana laws, according to a note shared on the...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    This Company Wants To Super-Chill Your Coffee With Cannabis

    Coffee lovers will soon be able to combine their cuppa joe with Mary Jane for an extra morning buzz. San Diego company Brewbudz plans to debut single-serving coffee pods that also hold cannabis. Each cup will contain 10 milligrams of the marijuana chemical THC for recreational users and up to...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    CA: Dispensary Opens Amid Glow Of Prop 64, Concern Over Trump Administration

    Santa Ana — Orange County's 11th licensed medical marijuana dispensary, Bud and Bloom, opened at an interesting time. Less than two weeks before the Santa Ana shop welcomed its first patient, Californians voted to legalize marijuana for all adults. Though the new rules of Proposition 64 won't...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Industry Worries As Trump Appoints Anti-Pot Attorney General

    As news spreads that President-elect Donald Trump has picked Senator Jeff Sessions, a Republican from Alabama, for the role of attorney general of the United States, the state-legal cannabis industry is worried about Sessions' anti-marijuana rhetoric. During the Senate's Caucus on...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    Trump Might Not Stop Legalization, But The Pot Industry Might Become Whiter

    After last week's election, 20 percent of the country will live in a state where recreational marijuana is legal. Ballot initiatives legalizing the recreational use of cannabis passed in California, Massachusetts, Nevada, and Maine. Others legalizing access to medical marijuana passed in some...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    What Will A Trump Administration Do About Marijuana Legalization?

    It's unclear whether a Donald Trump administration will kill pot advocates' vibe after their landslide victory on Tuesday. Nine different states voted on marijuana-related ballot initiatives - four considered legal medical marijuana and five chose whether to legalize recreational marijuana...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    WA: Spokane Marijuana Industry More Concerned About Policies Than What Trump Might Do

    The question marks surrounding President-elect Donald Trump's victory Tuesday extend to Washington's marijuana industry. While two of the rumored candidates for attorney general in the Trump administration have said they oppose legal marijuana, those in the industry say they're still more...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    Pot Petition To Donald Trump - Leave Colorado, Legal States Alone

    The election of Donald Trump has raised concerns on a seemingly endless number of fronts. Note that the day after he defeated Hillary Clinton in the presidential race, immigrant children were in tears at schools across Denver out of fear that their undocumented parents would be deported before...
  11. Katelyn Baker

    Will Team Trump Bust The Marijuana Business?

    Supporters of the marijuana industry should be celebrating this week's passage of eight state ballot measures to permit its use by adults. That promises to triple the industry's size in coming years. But harshing their buzz are several key allies of President-elect Donald Trump, such as his...
  12. Katelyn Baker

    OR: Marijuana Businesses Optimistic For Trump

    Fear that a new, Republican occupant of the White House next year will crack down on legal marijuana in Oregon is misplaced, said some in the business Wednesday. Instead, they see in Donald Trump, the president-elect, an advocate for states' rights and small business. "I think we have a...
  13. C

    What the future of marijuana legalization could look like under President Trump

    Four more states legalized recreational marijuana use this November. But jubilation over marijuana's ballot wins was quickly tempered by the uncertain future marijuana faces under Trump Justice Department. “The prospect of Donald Trump as our next president concerns me deeply,” Ethan Nadelmann...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    California Pot Parties Muted By Trump's Triumph

    The stunning upset win of Republican president-elect Donald Trump muted celebrations at marijuana legalization election watching parties in San Francisco and Oakland Tuesday night. "In case you haven't noticed, we legalized marijuana in California!" shouted Victor Pinho from a bullhorn into...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    Here's Where President-Elect Donald Trump Stands On Marijuana Legalization

    Election Day was a watershed moment for marijuana legalization. Recreational marijuana is now legal in seven states - Maine has yet to be called - as well as Washington D.C. 24 states have varying forms of medical marijuana laws on the books. President-elect Donald Trump will have to...
  16. Katelyn Baker

    FL: At A Trump Rally, Support For Medical Marijuana

    With a required threshold of 60 percent, medical marijuana will have to draw in both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump voters this November to pass. And after the Republican Party declined to support medical cannabis in its platform this summer, "yes" votes on Florida's Amendment 2 are likely...
  17. Katelyn Baker

    FL: At A Trump Rally, Support For Medical Marijuana

    With a required threshold of 60 percent, medical marijuana will have to draw in both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump voters this November to pass. And after the Republican Party declined to support medical cannabis in its platform this summer, "yes" votes on Florida's Amendment 2 are likely...
  18. Katelyn Baker

    Hillary Clinton Gets More Specific On Marijuana Stance

    Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump will have their first of three debates on Monday. One topic that likely won't be part of the debate, as was generally the case during primary season, will be the legalization or the decriminalization of marijuana. As voters...
  19. Katelyn Baker

    Here's What Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump Say About Marijuana

    2016 could go down as the year that completely reshapes the marijuana industry. In November, residents in at least eight states, and perhaps more, will be voting on whether or not to legalize recreational or medical marijuana. Currently, 25 states have legalized medical marijuana, while four...
  20. Katelyn Baker

    Law, Order And The Wall - Would Trump And Pence Fuel The Drug War?

    Writing about what drug policy might look like under a Trump administration is not easy. Donald Trump's views on drugs have changed radically over the years, and the Republican nominee's rambling statements on the subject suggest that they are shaped by gut reactions and political opportunism...
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