
  1. Ron Strider

    CA: Cannabis Ordinance Takes A Big Step Forward In Cloverdale

    They covered a lot of ground at the Sept. 12 meeting of the Cloverdale City Council, but the most significant moment was when the council voted unanimously for the long awaited cannabis ordinance to take a big step forward into the final phase. Citing business and property interests...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    OR: Salem City Council - Marijuana Grow Zones, Tax Abatement Approved

    Salem city councilors approved a five-figure tax abatement and discussed amendments to recreational marijuana grow zoning and at a city council meeting Monday evening. A five-year tax abatement under the Salem Enterprise Zone was approved for a proposed Henningsen Cold Storage development at...
  3. crazycatlady

    Hypothetical Outdoor Grow Questions

    Say I have a Sativa 'Zeus' and I can grow it outdoors in grow zone 7b but at about 1200 m, does altitude take away from the grow zone? I mean the heat that I need for the Sativa? Or should I stay closer to home in zone 6a at a lesser altitude? Did anyone understand that?
  4. R

    CA: County May Expand Zones That Allow Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

    The fate of Calaveras County's longest-operating medical marijuana dispensary remains in limbo after a judge Friday delayed his decision on whether to close the business, and Calaveras County supervisors are poised Tuesday to consider zoning rule changes that could resolve the dispensary's legal...
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