1,835-Pound Marijuana Stash Found in SW Side Home


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Authorities found nearly a ton of marijuana Sunday in a stash house near West Valencia Road and South Camino de Oeste.

Pima County sheriff's deputies were on another call about 6:30 a.m. in the 4200 block of West Valencia Road when they smelled fresh marijuana, said Deputy Dawn Barkman, spokeswoman for the Pima County Sheriff's Department. The smell got stronger as they approached the house.

The deputies contacted the Counter Narcotics Alliance, which obtained a search warrant for the house, Barkman said.

When alliance officers entered the house, no one was there.

They found 1,835 pounds of marijuana in a room hidden behind a wall, she said.

The house was "obviously a stash house" and had no furniture, she said. The false wall was removed to reveal a door to the room where the marijuana was stored.

The marijuana will be taken as evidence. No arrests were made Sunday.

This stash house was at least the eighth discovered in the Tucson area this year, according to Arizona Daily Star records.

Tucson is a key logistical point in the illegal drug business, investigators say. Shipments from Mexico make their way to Tucson, where they are stored and distributed to dealers in other cities and states.

Newshawk: BluntKilla - 420Times
Source: Arizona Daily Star
Author: By Andrea Kelly , Arizona Daily Star
Copyright: Copyright © 2006 The Arizona Daily Star
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Website: Welcome to StarNet
thats so amazing!. if i had smelled it, and nobodywn as inn it, id definately bust in and take as much as i please. anybody else with me on that one? id just leave it as i found it! haha. nobody would notice anywho. damn thats alotta weed.
yea it is. U could take a 100 pound's and it wouldnt make much of a differance. That is alot of weed and alot of money they could of made. But yea i would of helped my self to a treat. lol
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