48 hours without light?


New Member
2 autos. 7 weeks old and doing wonderfully. For reasons that aren't relevant to the question, these 2 pretty ladies are going to have to go without light for a 48 hour period about 4 days from now. I've determined there's really no other way around this unfortunately. However after that period of time, returning them to their normal routine won't be a problem. They've been on 18/6 since they sprouted. What could happen(if anything) because of this sudden brief change in what they're used to?
At 7 weeks it may cause them to want to flower. Might not be a bad idea to just start them back at 12/12 and flower. I was thinking about doing 24 hours dark at my flip. I am getting to learn more as well but lights out like that might cause it to herm. Happening once might not do anything also.
I've left rooted cuttings in a aero cloner for 6 month in the dark... When I saw them they had the daftest nugs on them.... Just thought I'd share, if enough darkness you get flowering hormones
When I go on vacation I turn my grow room off completely. Had everything from fully flowered to fresh cut clones in dark for 4 days. Just a fan on. Come back and flip everything back on and good feeding and they don't mind too bad. Might be slightly stunned for a few days and some droopy leaves for a few days but they bounce right back. Two days shouldn't matter much.
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