60 Minutes and Marc Emery


New Member
Just letting everyone know that Sunday night on CBS 60 minutes has an interview with Marc Emery, and how him possibly being incarcerated will help to legalise marijuana. I'm personally looking forward to seeing what he has to say. However, I am expecting this interview to be extremely biased and show more negativity towards the subject than sympathy for a man that can be in jail for life for selling seeds.
yeah I'm going to watch it
I've gotta check that out.
I have to watch it. He's a hero and a great revolutionist leader, without him and people like him we would have not gotten so far within the past 12 years.
1.5 hours to go....
I think it is going to go something like this:

Bob Simon: So Marc, what is it like to be arrested by a forreign nation?
Marc Emery: Well Bob, its like being squashed with a flyswatter, over and over again.
BS: Oh thats reall...

Announcer: We are sorry to interupt this broadcast to bring you a special news bulletin.
Announcer: We go live to Sandy Cohurts, live at the Downtown Civic Center, where a Black guy, has just got his citizenship, yes a Black Guy.

(This goes on for about an hour.)

BS: Thanks Marc for talking to us.
ME: Its been my pleasure.

I will try to catch this aswell.
i don't know i think 60 is going to be a bit impartial on this one. The need a story and I think the 'pot is bad' story is getting old so they are going to help Marc spread his story about the arrest and the unfair laws in canada and mainly the US. well, we can hope can't we. Marc is a great speaker as well, i remember him on Politically Incorrect and he can speak.

I'm smoking a bowl at 7 and watching, hope everyone else will
damn... this sucks... i gotta sit thru all this boring shit for the good stuff...
Well the story was a lil short but 60 minutes was quite unbaised, maybe even sympathetic towards Marc. the very last line didnt leave a good feeling in my stomach, for him to spend his whole life in jail would be a modern day witch hunt. I pray the canadian gov doesnt give in and give him up to the DEA
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