A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

More questions -- I apologize but I haven't figured out how to make the search function work for me.

Re: BioBombs. What does the lecithin add to the bomb that wouldn't be there with just an olive oil cocktail? [Edit: I think I got it. Is this about liposomal encapsulation?]

What we achieve with lecithin isn't quite the same as true liposomal encapsulation, but it works similarly to that by improving absorption through tissues and travel through the blood stream.

Re: bioavailability Are there any positive reports or studies on working with piperine/bioperine?

I had only heard of this used in turmeric supplements, but it appears to inhibit the cytochrome P450 complex so should provide competitive inhibition for cannabis as well. I don't know about timing or dosage though. Well worth researching as another potential aid to our regimen.

Re: melatonin I read praise for melatonin in several places in this forum but I don't know if that's about the benefits of sleep or if there is something specific about that substance in relation to cancer or in relation to cannabis. I gratefully use melatonin to sleep. There is a big difference between sleep and sedation. Melatonin, although a synthetic hormone, provides real sleep, as opposed for instance to valerian which is a mildly toxic sedative.

In addition to improving sleep, it also boosts immune system and may slow tumor growth.

Thank you very much for any help!

Thank you for your help! and +reps
Thanks for the cream link. I could get into that.

Every day I grow more fond of the pain cream. I look forward to your future accolades.

notsurge said:
I am way, way into that, but thank you. Personally I wish more people were speaking that way on this forum. I have thoughts about working with this plant
on a conscious level which I plan to post. I also have very practical thoughts about positive thoughts and affirmations. Your suggestions motivate me to give them shape for this forum. I just got here.

:laughtwo: Did anyone else laugh when you read this? Forgive me notsurge, but I'm known to spout my theories about deliberately controlling the inner conversation. Lol! The conversation pops up all over this site. For the past year I've flirted with the idea of a thread dedicated to the language of healing. Too often the conversation we have with ourselves gets in the way of healing. My main theory is that the ECS works best in a joyful mode, and the further you vary your cellular vibration away from joy the sicker the body becomes.

I already have close to 40 threads running and more on the way. I'd be pleased as punch to have someone else start that discussion. The Off Topics forum has some interesting sub forums. My "Living In Joy" thread is over in that neighborhood, as is my "Path" thread. Off Topics is a whole other world. :laughtwo:

notsurge said:
I am looking at it (the free teaser pages on amazon.com). At first glance, it doesn't cover any important new territory for me, but I would enjoy reading it for the case histories, of course.

The case studies are a goldmine of information. They reinforce the importance of allowing each patient to find their own way back to homeostasis. There is no "right way." I'd be interested in your thoughts if you read it.

I like your energy. I'm really glad you found us. :hug:
Is there somewhere on this board a summary of the best known practices for bypassing the high while using CCO? I am still struggling with it.

I tried sublingual -- I think it works, but partly, and unpredictably.

I tried suppositories. I think it works, but partly, and unpredictably.

I haven't tried the biobombs. The lecithin has been ordered.

The 'tacking' -- it looks like it would take practice to learn to do it right, plus I don't see the advantage over sublingual.

What else am I missing? Combinations? Neutralizing agents? Secret techniques? Please help.
Is there somewhere on this board a summary of the best known practices for bypassing the high while using CCO? I am still struggling with it.

I tried sublingual -- I think it works, but partly, and unpredictably.

I tried suppositories. I think it works, but partly, and unpredictably.

I haven't tried the biobombs. The lecithin has been ordered.

The 'tacking' -- it looks like it would take practice to learn to do it right, plus I don't see the advantage over sublingual.

What else am I missing? Combinations? Neutralizing agents? Secret techniques? Please help.

It's not the pathway of administration that's stymied you notsurge, it's the cannabinoid ratios. You need 4:1 or 5:1 CBD:THC to offset euphoric effects. Get the ratios right and you can choose any administrative method.

Can you be more precise about the unpredictable suppository response? We're still learning what suppository administration is. Any new data is greatly appreciated.

A quick look brought up this article that had an interesting slant. The link has extensive references.

SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class journal research

The Acute Soporific Action of Daytime Melatonin Administration: Effects on the EEG during Wakefulness and Subjective Alertness
Christian Cajochen, Kurt Kräuchi, Anna Wirz-Justice

First Published December 1, 1997 Research Article

Melatonin has been reported to have soporific effects; following daytime administration, it induces sleepiness and reduces sleep onset latency. However, subjective sleepiness is masked by a variety of stimuli and behaviors; thus, it is important to be able to delineate objective psychophysiological sequelae of melatonin administration. Alertness decrements during wakefulness are correlated with augmented theta/alpha power in the waking electroencephalogram (EEG). This has been validated in a constant routine protocol. In a variety of experiments with melatonin administration (5 mg), the authors have shown that the EEG changes can be measured immediately, before any subjective soporific effects are recognized. These increases in theta/alpha power occur when melatonin is administered during the day (1300 or 1800 h) but are less visible when near the endogenous melatonin rise in the evening (2040 h). Importantly, both subjective and objective measures of sleepiness are suppressed when subjects change posture from supine to standing.

If you use it during the day stay upright and moving to offset sleepiness.
Importantly, both subjective and objective measures of sleepiness are suppressed when subjects change posture from supine to standing.[/COLOR]

If you use it during the day stay upright and moving to offset sleepiness.

Very interesting. A long time ago, I read something from a person who was using it as a psychoactive substance in its own right in the daytime. Have you ever heard about that?

Can you be more precise about the unpredictable suppository response? We're still learning what suppository administration is. Any new data is greatly appreciated. [/COLOR] <--------- I don't know why it does that.

I'll start tracking it more systematically. The problem was that I am just now getting an oil that I know the composition of.
If you are getting a lot of euphoria from suppositories it may be that you are inserting it too far. It should rest just above the sphincter. For me that's 1 finger joint in. If it goes too far then blood vessels carry it straight to the liver.

Other key factor is to time competitive inhibition supplements as close as possible to 30 minutes prior to suppository. For me that was 100 mg apigenin, 200 mg ginko extract and a snack to keep liver busy.

Bio bombs speed up the absorption which may decrease chance of oil working it's way further up the rectum.

With that routine I was able to function while taking a 270 mg dose that was almost all THC, no CBD. Half that dose taken orally (accidentally) completely incapacitated me (narrated in the Oilers Lounge, around Sep/Oct 2016) to the point I couldn't even crawl. Done correctly suppositories do avoid almost all the psychoactivity.

BTW - I don't recommend using doses over 200 mg, and not even that high unless you're up to the full 1 gram/day. Back then I was trying to make up for a missed dose, part of my learning experience. Much more important and effective to get 4-5 doses evenly throughout day than to hit it hard with one super-dose.
With that routine I was able to function while taking a 270 mg dose that was almost all THC, no CBD. Half that dose taken orally (accidentally) completely incapacitated me

I feel ya KR........had a couple of those myself but it was night time........:rofl::rofl::love::smokin:

You are one of my 420 heros KR :cco::Namaste::cco:
I feel ya KR........had a couple of those myself but it was night time........:rofl::rofl::love::smokin:

You are one of my 420 heros KR :cco::Namaste::cco:

Mine too. :hug::hug::hug:
You are one of my Heros to Sue, you should be very proud of the knowledge you have gathered and put back out in a easy to read, find & follow text for us "Info Hogs"

Ditto that Sue. You're an amazing woman and a true inspiration. Your knowledge blows me away......thank you!
If you are getting a lot of euphoria from suppositories it may be that you are inserting it too far. It should rest just above the sphincter. For me that's 1 finger joint in. If it goes too far then blood vessels carry it straight to the liver.

I read that somewhere else on the forum but I don't understand how it's possible to insert too far. My -- very short -- experience has been that I feel the sphincter squeezing around my finger as I push, then it gets to a point where that muscle ends and the supp is kind of sucked into deep inner space where my finger can't follow it at all. That transition is impossible to miss.

Also, about using gel caps as supps: how do we know that they melt in there in a timely fashion? The colon's environment is not corrosive like the stomach.

[Add to list of things I never thought I would ever do: writing a dissertation about sticking things up my ass.]
I read that somewhere else on the forum but I don't understand how it's possible to insert too far. My -- very short -- experience has been that I feel the sphincter squeezing around my finger as I push, then it gets to a point where that muscle ends and the supp is kind of sucked into deep inner space where my finger can't follow it at all. That transition is impossible to miss.

Also, about using gel caps as supps: how do we know that they melt in there in a timely fashion? The colon's environment is not corrosive like the stomach.

[Add to list of things I never thought I would ever do: writing a dissertation about sticking things up my ass.]

You're right on spot with placement. If you're using molded suppositories some may run a little further in as it melts. Cocobutter doesn't absorb as quickly as biobombs so there is time for that to happen. Or it may slide further in on its own. Gelatin in gel caps sticks to mucus but melted cocobutter may flow over it. But I just speculating here.

Gel caps are water soluble and melt pretty quickly in the mucosal membranes. I know bio bomb oil gets absorbed between 15-30 because I check whenever I have bowel movement after taking suppository. No sign of capsule by 15 minutes, no sign of oil by 30 minutes. When I used capsules that weren't bio bombs I sometimes saw oil, so the lecithin is making a difference.

And writing about it is nothing. Wait till you post a video of yourself doing it on YouTube. :)
Rabbi, I wonder if it is possible for one who is sensitive to thc to get enough of it into the system to have the success that you have had? If the dosage is a ratio of 5:1 cbd:thc...is it possible? Or....do you feel that one should build the tolerance level in order to dose at your level? I have been using the capsules as suppository and there has been a learning curve to know "the right feel" of how far to put it in...but I still do have difficulty functioning on a low dose of thc. I am drinking camomile, lemon balm..eating smoothy along with walnuts to give my liver something to do...then wait for 30 or so min. ...found myself doing repetitive chores this morning three times and unable to focus. Some call this euphoria I guess...

Was your body already use to the thc before you bagan dosing as medicine?
So I just wanted to come on and post a little update on my friend Z. She has being in the hospital fighting and internal infection for the past 10 days.....shes getting released tomorrow. Her hip replacement has taken and she is mobile (hell she's driven already lol) Z has also gone through her 4th round of radiation and she's still sticking with her Biobombs regiment. This infection has taken a bit of the wind out of her sails but she is still smiling......thatta girl!!!

After Zs initial introduction and the whirlwind of emotion that surrounded her...... Things have settled down quite a bit.
I am presently awaiting the arrival of Z's mb2 machine from a donator in the US ( I know you don't want your name mentioned but you are a saint to me......ty!). I have located a reasonably priced online dispensary here in Canada that we can use to provide the bud needed to continue with her bio bombs moving forward......as she can afford it (shes on social assistance) . We originally set her up with about 3 months worth, she still has lots in stock. I realize that upping her dose from 3 to 5 capsules would be ideal so we are going to see about creating some more oil as soon as she is able to afford her stock. My plants are presently nowhere near finished.

Once Z is out of the hospital, she is going to visit her sister in Atlanta for a bit to settle and have some down time......she needs some healing and happiness time.

That's all for now.....keep your chin up kid.
Love ya.....
Rabbi, one thing that my friend did bring to my attention was that the gel capsules sometimes don't dissolve completely. I heard that mentioned in a previous post. She said that when she discovered them, they reminded her of a popcorn shell. Obviously, I didn't get into depth of insertion with her LOL..... That's a little personal, but do you believe that could be the issue?
Rabbi, I wonder if it is possible for one who is sensitive to thc to get enough of it into the system to have the success that you have had? If the dosage is a ratio of 5:1 cbd:thc...is it possible? Or....do you feel that one should build the tolerance level in order to dose at your level? I have been using the capsules as suppository and there has been a learning curve to know "the right feel" of how far to put it in...but I still do have difficulty functioning on a low dose of thc. I am drinking camomile, lemon balm..eating smoothy along with walnuts to give my liver something to do...then wait for 30 or so min. ...found myself doing repetitive chores this morning three times and unable to focus. Some call this euphoria I guess...

Was your body already use to the thc before you bagan dosing as medicine?

I don't know enough about treating cancer with CBD to know how effective a 5:1 ratio would work.
I hadn't used cannabis since college until I started using it to treat cancer. I started with 1:1 oil taken orally in evening. I did that for several months starting during my last chemo cycle. Whether it was because of dosing method (oral), timing (1x/day), or the 1:1 mix, it didn't shrink my tumors but it did keep them from growing.

When I started using cajun's regimen with high THC oil I had to increase very slowly. It took me 2 months to get to 200-300 mg/day. (Note: It wasn't a discomfort issue. I was trying to stay functional at work as accountant.)

Over the next 6 weeks I managed to get up to 500-600 mg/day. That was when I got my clear scan. After looking back at prior scans I believe it was starting to shrink tumors when I was at 200-300. That's consistent with what we've learned from members following Mara Gordon's protocol.

So the good news is that CCO works at lower levels. How low I don't know, and it would be different for each case.

A few thoughts:
You didn't list Apigenin. Taking 100 mg prior to each dose made a big difference in how well I tolerated it. I also used 200 mg ginko extract.
Doses I took during day were about half the evening doses, about 30-40 mg daytime and 60-80 mg evening for total of 200-300/day.
Speculating here, but chamomile can cause intoxication at high doses. It's possible that THC is potentiating chamomile and vice versa.

I hope that can help you keep effects manageable.
And there is definitely hope. It took me a long time to get things right, long enough that my tumors should have been actively growing back well before I started cajun's regimen. But they didn't grow in spite of all the mistakes I was making. So whatever you do now will give you more time to find what works for you.
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