A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

John.....Sweetheart. :circle-of-love: Not bad for a birthday present, eh?
Much, much better than a quadcopter, Sweetie.:love: Although the copter is hella fun.

I just went walking in the rain with my BDB....glorious......

It's raining in California and I survived terminal cancer and a heart attack !!!

I can say and really mean...It doesn't get much better than this. (Maybe sex this decade? I am 69 after all.)


BDB = Shroder, my best doggie buddie. (Spell check just changed buddie to bud die......too weird.)
Much, much better than a quadcopter, Sweetie.:love: Although the copter is hella fun.

I just went walking in the rain with my BDB....glorious......

It's raining in California and I survived terminal cancer and a heart attack !!!

I can say and really mean...It doesn't get much better than this. (Maybe sex this decade? I am 69 after all.)


BDB = Shroder, my best doggie buddie. (Spell check just changed buddie to bud die......too weird.)

What size quad did you get? I have a little Blade 180. I also have several regular helis 100 to 450 sized electric and a 50cc slimer. :peace:
That is awesome John. Get to living buddy & don't look back.

I think he is Cajun, growing pounds of meds while doing battle with cancer and winning at both!!!!
And you my Cajun friend, looking life and cancer in the eye and kicking both of them in the a$$, well done sir, I'm proud to call both of you "Friends"
I think he is Cajun, growing pounds of meds while doing battle with cancer and winning at both!!!!
And you my Cajun friend, looking life and cancer in the eye and kicking both of them in the a$$, well done sir, I'm proud to call both of you "Friends"

Amen to that. Giggling over here on the East coast and wishing like hell I was on the West. John. LOL! You still have another year John. Can't give up now. :laughtwo:
What size quad did you get? I have a little Blade 180. I also have several regular helis 100 to 450 sized electric and a 50cc slimer. :peace:
Hey Super,

I got the La Trax Alias. Next year, I'll be able to post vids of the outdoor CROP from the air.

I think it's the size of the 180. They (hobby guys) said the Blade 200 would be the next upgrade. I got carried away and bought all spare parts (can build a complete 2nd quad), accessories, camera w/ wide angle lens, hotter motors, ceramic bearings, the works except a controller upgrade. If I stay interested, I'll go full boat FPV w/goggles. I'm a private pilot, but this is much cheaper and almost as much fun with the goggles. You-tube vids make it look just like flying! We'll see.

Looking foreword to great CROP vids.

Hey Super,

I got the La Trax Alias. Next year, I'll be able to post vids of the outdoor CROP from the air.

I think it's the size of the 180. They (hobby guys) said the Blade 200 would be the next upgrade. I got carried away and bought all spare parts (can build a complete 2nd quad), accessories, camera w/ wide angle lens, hotter motors, ceramic bearings, the works except a controller upgrade. If I stay interested, I'll go full boat FPV w/goggles. I'm a private pilot, but this is much cheaper and almost as much fun with the goggles. You-tube vids make it look just like flying! We'll see.

Looking foreword to great CROP vids.


Looking forward to some video from a flight John dear. Doesn't have to be a harvest. Just you having fun playing with your new toy.
Yes, yes.....but on your off-topic thread. Sorry Cajun.

Ps. What's that 'Post Thanks / Like ^' thing?
Looking forward to some video from a flight John dear. Doesn't have to be a harvest. Just you having fun playing with your new toy.

Absolutely!!! Besides you NEED to practice now so the crop videos are perfect!!! :thumb: Just don't fly :lot-o-toke: if you get something bigger. The little 180s don't hurt much if you get hit by one and don't do a ton of damage when you crash. Put 4 brushless 450 motors or bigger and they can do some damage. Have fun!!!:high-five: :peace:
The whole pharmacogenomics thing means that some people will be genetically predisposed to metabolise THC at different rates and so benefit to differing degrees.
Due to the low and varied bioavailability of oral THC formulations, alternative routes of drug administration, including oromucosal (through the mouth lining), sublingual (under the tongue), vaporization and inhalation, and rectal administration, have been developed by pharmaceutical companies to improve the amount of delivered cannabinoids in their products. All medical user should take note of their measures. This is an industry that would much prefer to produce a usable cannabis pill. That they don't is for good reason.
The future of successful Dosing "Competitive Inhibition"
Competitive inhibition, allows for greater circulation of cannabinoids through your system.
This is achieved when certain enzymes in your liver (CYP2C9) are occupied whilst the THC is going through. The metabolism of THC, into 11-OH-THC produces a molecule many times more psychoactive but with 'key medical benefits deactivated'. It's counter intuitive but the amount of healing occurring cannot easily be judged by the height of the high. THC will be long gone by the time the effects of the 11-OH-THC have stopped being felt.
The enzymes that metabolise cannabinoids are mainly found in the liver. A cannabinoid entering the liver is more likely to connect with an enzyme and be metabolised than to connect with a cancerous cell. Slowing metabolism does not however result in a stronger high. Slowing metabolism of THC to 11-OH-THC means the more psychoactive metabolite's entry into the body is spread out over a longer period. Consequently a person is less likely be made uneasy by a strong more condensed wave of psychoactivity.
Beneficially certain plant molecules are metabolised by the same enzymes that metabolise most THC molecules. The enzyme is called CYP2C9 and the molecules are apigenin and amentoflavone. Apigenin can be found in tablets and certain foods and amentoflavone is available in supplement form. These molecules, as well as having additional benefits, will give the enzymes "busy work" allowing the cannabinoids greater opportunity to circulate, connect with and destroy mutated cells both in the liver and throughout the body.
Apigenin and Amentoflavone reduce "clearance" by >80%, a strong inhibitor. As one cannot overdose on cannabis we can safely harness this strong competitive inhibition. This will allow cannabinoids greater chance to heal and maximise the benefits of an often expensive and limited supply.
Reduce clearance by (more than)> 80%, means, a lot of THC is not converted to 11-OH-THC. And has a chance of attaching to the receptors.
Certain essential oils will increase bioavailability. Some inhibit the metabolism of CBD. . The phenolic oils clean methylated receptors and myrcene assists THC across the blood brain barrier. Eating 15ml of coconut oil approximately 30 minutes before taking oil by any method will make a big difference. Busy the enzymes themselves and bioavailability might improve >5x.
Remember, High is not proportionate to healing.
This is unbelievably important information to get out there and help people understand. I have to really think hard when I read this. I catch it, mostly because I'm quick and well-read. I'm an outlier. There has to be a way to make that easier to read and understand.

Thank you for posting it. Would you mind if I tried to translate it and ran it by you sometime next week?

Edit: I reformatted it and it reads easier just with that small change. If you're interested I could repost it here. I'd still like to make parts of it easier to comprehend if that's ok with you.
I posted it here so I could turn around & blog it fit the future.
The bottom line is this.
Cannabinoids (THC, CBD, etc.) are very hard for our bodies to keep around for any meaningful/useful amount of time, no matter how you dose with them.
That's just a fact that can & had been proven so much that it's common knowledge in that field to most.
But, it's still fairly new information. It's only been week known say in the last 3 maybe 5 years. And, it's not a subject known to the Rick Simpson crowd. Not yet. Watch though in the next few years.

The key to using cannabis & the CURSE) is bioavailability. Keeping medicinal levels of it prior to the liver processing it & out it goes.
The key is to keep the liver busy (competitive inhibition) while the THC, CBD, etc. do their thing no matter how they're ingested.
The most week known canna-physicians, oncologists, pathologists, etc. are blowing up about this & are very encouraged about it. The MD Anderson Cancer folks are with the Israeli doctors & researches to speed this info & process up.
The Israelis are the ones that discovered the human/mammal endocannabinoid system.
This info/process magnifies the med properties of cannabis in our treatment of whatever.

I realise most people could care less about this. Or, like you pointed out, it's just too Science Digesty or technical.
Might just be plain ass boring.
It's really stirred up alot when I push it too hard for sure. It's frustrating.
That said, I have the personality of a rattlesnake & I know it. I bet someone with a better side to them out social whatever.. yes, like you..could make it come out easier to understand.
Because I was fresh out of the Army, had 2 kids & a wife... I got one of the few 5-year Bachelors degrees in 4. Not cause of my brains I promise. It was necessity.
I've put way more effort into learning this. I think that's why some of this makes sense to me (after someone intelligent breaks it down better for me). Lol.
Anyway, yeah, help me translate this into 420 for ppl?
Absolutely. This stuff gets my blood pumping faster. I keep thinking that I shouldn't have to think so hard my brain hurts when I just want to understand why my loved one can benefit from using concentrated cannabis oil. I know we can make this easier to read and understand.

Let's start simply with a quick reformatting. I'll work on translating after I get my brood harvested.


The whole pharmacogenomics thing means that some people will be genetically predisposed to metabolise THC at different rates and so benefit to differing degrees.

Due to the low and varied bioavailability of oral THC formulations, alternative routes of drug administration, including oromucosal (through the mouth lining), sublingual (under the tongue), vaporization and inhalation, and rectal administration, have been developed by pharmaceutical companies to improve the amount of delivered cannabinoids in their products. All medical user should take note of their measures. This is an industry that would much prefer to produce a usable cannabis pill. That they don't is for good reason.

The future of successful Dosing "Competitive Inhibition"
Competitive inhibition, allows for greater circulation of cannabinoids through your system.

This is achieved when certain enzymes in your liver (CYP2C9) are occupied whilst the THC is going through. The metabolism of THC, into 11-OH-THC produces a molecule many times more psychoactive but with 'key medical benefits deactivated'. It's counter intuitive but the amount of healing occurring cannot easily be judged by the height of the high. THC will be long gone by the time the effects of the 11-OH-THC have stopped being felt.

The enzymes that metabolise cannabinoids are mainly found in the liver. A cannabinoid entering the liver is more likely to connect with an enzyme and be metabolised than to connect with a cancerous cell. Slowing metabolism does not however result in a stronger high. Slowing metabolism of THC to 11-OH-THC means the more psychoactive metabolite's entry into the body is spread out over a longer period. Consequently a person is less likely be made uneasy by a strong more condensed wave of psychoactivity.

Beneficially certain plant molecules are metabolised by the same enzymes that metabolise most THC molecules. The enzyme is called CYP2C9 and the molecules are apigenin and amentoflavone. Apigenin can be found in tablets and certain foods and amentoflavone is available in supplement form. These molecules, as well as having additional benefits, will give the enzymes "busy work" allowing the cannabinoids greater opportunity to circulate, connect with and destroy mutated cells both in the liver and throughout the body.
Apigenin and Amentoflavone reduce "clearance" by >80%, a strong inhibitor. As one cannot overdose on cannabis we can safely harness this strong competitive inhibition. This will allow cannabinoids greater chance to heal and maximise the benefits of an often expensive and limited supply.

Reduce clearance by (more than)> 80%, means, a lot of THC is not converted to 11-OH-THC. And has a chance of attaching to the receptors.

Certain essential oils will increase bioavailability. Some inhibit the metabolism of CBD. . The phenolic oils clean methylated receptors and myrcene assists THC across the blood brain barrier. Eating 15ml of coconut oil approximately 30 minutes before taking oil by any method will make a big difference. Busy the enzymes themselves and bioavailability might improve >5x.

Remember, High is not proportionate to healing.
The basic concepts
- You're taking the concentrated cannabis oil for medicinal purposes (doesn't matter for what).
- If you can create an atmosphere of "creative inhibition" in the liver you increase the bioavailability of the cannabinoids.
- If you maintain a more constant medicinal level through more frequent dosing you further enhance the bioavailability of the cannabinoids.
- One should assume the more bioavailability the easier it is for the body to return to a state of homeostasis.

This is my understanding of what we're trying to get across. Am I close?
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