A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

From Cajun's gallery. Apparently the syringes are a popular option.

Thanks all clear. Those syringe seems huge! Not like 1 ml. Only first couple of cm has to enter the anus right? the thinner one? I googled "1 ml syringes V" but I cannot find syringe with the letter V, what does the letter V stand for? Thanks a lot
Thanks all clear. Those syringe seems huge! Not like 1 ml. Only first couple of cm has to enter the anus right? the thinner one? I googled "1 ml syringes V" but I cannot find syringe with the letter V, what does the letter V stand for? Thanks a lot

Sorry V, I was talking to you, not giving you the name of a syringe size. :laughtwo: Classic failure to communicate. Sometimes this long-distance virtual communications can be tricky. Forgive my slip. :hug:

You want syringes that hold just a ml of oil. They're very slim. You're correct, just a couple cm and then plunge.
Great! Should I use something in the outside of the syringe such as vaseline in order to ease the insertion? And what about when I will move to capsules? Do they enter all dry?
Great! Should I use something in the outside of the syringe such as vaseline in order to ease the insertion? And what about when I will move to capsules? Do they enter all dry?

I've had no problems with inserting capsules dry, and I don't recall anyone else mentioning a problem, but I'd probably use olive or coconut oil for the lubricant, if one is necessary, since I already have them on hand. Vaseline may work best for the syringe. I have no experience with syringes V. Maybe someone else will chime in, but I can't see where a small amount of Vaseline would be a problem, and would likely make insertion more comfortable.
My capsules usually have a little oil on outside from the little bit that spills in my capsule machine. It's a very thin film but is enough to make them slide in easy. If I have too much oil lubricant the capsules sometimes slip back out. And after the first dose of the day it doesn't matter if they're lubricated or not.
Hi first time posting I really appreicate all the info that everyone is sharing this is truly life saving on a special level.

My story is my mom recently got diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer metatasized to bones (spine). She's a non smoker so this caught us by surprised. Doctor gave an option for chemo but said it would not cure it only treat it, giving a few more months at most. We've decided against it. I've read alot about cannabis oil and it's efficacy and I'm truly hoping it will give my mom a fighting chance.

We've gotten some 90% THC oil, and we've given it to her orally (ingesting) about 50mg before bedtime to see her response. She sleeps on it with a slight discomfort, which I assume is the high. I understand we must increase teh dosage to approximately 1g/day to be effective in killing the cancer. My question is can I mix the oil with some cacao butter (25-50mg oil with about 1g of cacao butter) freeze it and insert it as a starting dosage and increase it over time? Will the bioavailability be okay with this mixture? Any help on the matter would be so appreciated.
Hi first time posting I really appreicate all the info that everyone is sharing this is truly life saving on a special level.

My story is my mom recently got diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer metatasized to bones (spine). She's a non smoker so this caught us by surprised. Doctor gave an option for chemo but said it would not cure it only treat it, giving a few more months at most. We've decided against it. I've read alot about cannabis oil and it's efficacy and I'm truly hoping it will give my mom a fighting chance.

We've gotten some 90% THC oil, and we've given it to her orally (ingesting) about 50mg before bedtime to see her response. She sleeps on it with a slight discomfort, which I assume is the high. I understand we must increase teh dosage to approximately 1g/day to be effective in killing the cancer. My question is can I mix the oil with some cacao butter (25-50mg oil with about 1g of cacao butter) freeze it and insert it as a starting dosage and increase it over time? Will the bioavailability be okay with this mixture? Any help on the matter would be so appreciated.

Hi CFC, and welcome. You came to the right place. I know this feels like information overload, so I'll give the basics as simply as possible, then load you up with further reading. Don't worry, you've got time to time to work through the details. Just getting started with cannabis oil will make a big difference early.

1) Have Mom take the oil as suppositories, not orally. It sounds like this is your plan. Gel caps with olive oil are much easier to work with than frozen cocoa butter, and a lot less messy. Suppositories greatly increase the bioavailability and reduce euphoria and discomfort from high THC.
2) Take 4-5 doses throughout day, 4-5 hours apart. This keeps pressure on cancer cells constantly so they can't grow between doses. It also lets you break doses into smaller amounts per dose that are easier to tolerate. I can't imagine taking 1000 mg at once.
3) 30 minutes before each dose take the supplements that Cajun lists in first post. These provide competitive inhibition to keep the liver from metabolizing the THC and keep the CB receptors clean. I also take a fish oil capsule and drink a glass of water with the supplements.
4) Mix the cannabis oil into Bio Bombs, which is our name for the carrier oil blend that maximizes bioavailability. The recipe is here SweetSue's Cannabis Oil Study Hall with more explanations here BioBombs: Cannabis Oil With A Kick

Starting with the 1:20 strength bio bombs in 00 size capsules (about 40 mg per dose, 200 mg per day) you will already be fighting the cancer, at the very least preventing it from getting worse. And that level with suppositories should be very easy for Mom to tolerate. So try to relax and don't worry about getting all the details or start increasing doses right away. Just getting started changes everything.

Last instruction for now: Ask as many questions as you like/need. Please ask, we're here to help.

And give Mom a hug from me. :hug: (seriously, that's part of the treatment plan)
Dear Sue,

I started tonight the first rectal administration for my mum. Biobombs 10:1 (olive oil). We went for the syringe method with some vaseline around it, It went very well, no problems and i think she kept it in. The issue here is that now I am very confused about dosage and i really need your help. I thought the syringes containing the cannabis oil (CCO) which i was purchasing in my pharmacy contained 5 ml of CCO. But it was actually only 1 ml!! Therefore, since I was giving my mum (orally) about one nineth of it every day (lets say one tenth) it means she was ingesting only 0.1 ml ( i.e. 0.1 gr since the density is 0.99...) of CCO per day. And she was having already huge side effects like being high and sleepy. You guys said i have to slowly raise it to 1 gr per day. So 10 times more per day. So i have some questions now:

1) that means you spend about 110 euros per day? That is what a syringe with 1 ml of oil costs. That would be 3300 euro per month.
2) how much THC do u give to yourself and other patients? My CCO has this concentrations:
THC: 311 mg/ml
CBD: 134 mg/ml
THC-A: 76 mg/ml
CBD-A: 84 mg/ml

That means about 60% of the CCO is active ingredients . I dont know about the rest i might inquire. More importantely, it means that if i give my mum 1 ml per day, I will give her 311 mg of THC and 134 mg of CBD. Is that what u guys give and what rick simpson was suggesting? I wanna make sure i dont give my mum too much, maybe cause american CCO is not as concentrate as the one i get here.
Thanks a lot
Hi KingstonRabbi! Thank you for the quick response. I can't tell you how relieved I feel just having someone to talk to about this directly as it's basically been me and my mom on an island with my roaming the web. This feels almost therapeutic.

I will be sure to keep the protocol to spread out the dosage throughout the day to ensure constant medicine working in her body.

for #4 sorry but I went through the initial 20 pages or so in the thread and felt the urgency to get started and ask questions but unfortunately I seem to have missed the "biobomb" information? Is it possible for mom to consume the carrier oil and give mom the suppository with just the cacao butter and the CCO? I purchased a suppository mold to make it. I don't mind the work or mess tbh as it's what I have so far. I was just wondering if I could still administer her dosage this way or would this diminish the bioavailability of the oil dramatically?
Hi V.
When I had to purchase my oil I spent about $2000 per month. I think that's about half what yours costs. I have no idea what's available in Europe, but you might be able to find a less expensive source. But I spent at least $6000 on oils before I started growing and producing my own. I wish I could share my own. I forget how much this stuff costs, but I have no doubts that it was worth it.

The oil I bought was about 60% total cannabinoids, and I assume that the oil I make is about the same. Rick Simpson also talked about his oil being 60%.

Now that you are dosing rectally the side effects will diminish dramatically to the point that she may not even notice them until you reach higher doses. Just make sure with syringe that you don't squirt it too far in. Any oil that reaches more than 2 cm in will go to liver and cause euphoria even if it's just a small part of dose.
CFC, you can definitely use the cocoa butter suppositories instead of capsules, but I don't think you will be able to include the lecithin. I don't have hard figures on how much difference the lecithin makes. The CCO will work without it, but for maximum effectiveness it needs to be blended with the lecithin/carrier oil.
So I gave my mom the suppository only 30 mg THC with about 1g of butter. A few hours later when she ate she immediately felt like vomiting and it hasn't settled down all night. Also coughing alot, which she wasn't doing prior to the suppository. Can anybody shed light on why this may be happening?
So I gave my mom the suppository only 30 mg THC with about 1g of butter. A few hours later when she ate she immediately felt like vomiting and it hasn't settled down all night. Also coughing alot, which she wasn't doing prior to the suppository. Can anybody shed light on why this may be happening?

Hello CFC. Do you know how deeply you inserted the suppository?
Dear Sue,

I started tonight the first rectal administration for my mum. Biobombs 10:1 (olive oil). We went for the syringe method with some vaseline around it, It went very well, no problems and i think she kept it in. The issue here is that now I am very confused about dosage and i really need your help. I thought the syringes containing the cannabis oil (CCO) which i was purchasing in my pharmacy contained 5 ml of CCO. But it was actually only 1 ml!! Therefore, since I was giving my mum (orally) about one nineth of it every day (lets say one tenth) it means she was ingesting only 0.1 ml ( i.e. 0.1 gr since the density is 0.99...) of CCO per day. And she was having already huge side effects like being high and sleepy. You guys said i have to slowly raise it to 1 gr per day. So 10 times more per day. So i have some questions now:

1) that means you spend about 110 euros per day? That is what a syringe with 1 ml of oil costs. That would be 3300 euro per month.
2) how much THC do u give to yourself and other patients? My CCO has this concentrations:
THC: 311 mg/ml
CBD: 134 mg/ml
THC-A: 76 mg/ml
CBD-A: 84 mg/ml

That means about 60% of the CCO is active ingredients . I dont know about the rest i might inquire. More importantely, it means that if i give my mum 1 ml per day, I will give her 311 mg of THC and 134 mg of CBD. Is that what u guys give and what rick simpson was suggesting? I wanna make sure i dont give my mum too much, maybe cause american CCO is not as concentrate as the one i get here.
Thanks a lot

Hello V. :hug: The effects your mother was having is from taking it orally. Suppositories will change that.

The cost of CCO is rediculous, we can all agree, and looking ahead can be daunting to the spirit, but you need to keep in mind that she may not need to get to 1 gram a day. That's the dose people shoot for, but many patients respond positively to lower doses.

When you have evidence the cancer is being destroyed at a particular dose you stay there until you have good reason to increase or decrease. It's recommended you have regular labs done to track the efficacy of the dose.

There is no standard dosing for cancer, because no two patients will respond in the same way. Cannabis forces individual protocols. What works for me may or may not work for you, but thankfully it's a kind plant that won't do damage, and it offers many options.
Hi Sue,

I did not put it that high up, maybe a thumbnail and a half at most. We checked for leakage but it does not appear any came out. She used the toilet about 2 hours later and didn't see any oil substance. She didn't experience a high, nor did she sleep on it. Her stomach growls but when she tries to put food down she's having a hard time swallowing and when she does it triggers the vomiting sensation.
Hi Sue,

I did not put it that high up, maybe a thumbnail and a half at most. We checked for leakage but it does not appear any came out. She used the toilet about 2 hours later and didn't see any oil substance. She didn't experience a high, nor did she sleep on it. Her stomach growls but when she tries to put food down she's having a hard time swallowing and when she does it triggers the vomiting sensation.

It's a mystery to me. It may not be related to the cannabinoids at all. Let's see if someone else chimes in.
could it be an overdose from thc? I gave her 50 mg last night orally. Would it have left her system by today?

Sorry CFC, a long day making oil and I passed out after the last exchange. :hug:

THC stores in fat cells and then gets released slowly, so yes, this is a distinct possibility I hadn't considered in my fatigued state. What confused me was the suppository shouldn't have caused this reaction. We recommend them precisely to avoid overdose reactions of any kind. Lung cancer is its own kind of challenge, as the tumor cells disrupt the ability of the lung cells to process air.

Cajun recommended a 4:1 ratio of THC:CBD for lung cancer, and I can understand why. This is one you want to knock down as quickly as possible. You're on the right path. Once you get her going with suppositories you can begin to tweak the ratios for greatest effect. This is new to everyone CFC, and we're all learning together.

Aggressive cancers require severe lifestyle changes that I'm hoping you've initiated. Cajun recommended the alkaline diet, not for its ability to change the alkalinity of the body but rather for its directives to avoid processed foods, meats and sugars, including those horrid artificial sweeteners. You can heal a body riddled by cancer by diet alone. This is established scientific fact.

I have a thread on supporting the endocannabinoid system without cannabis I'd recommend you read through. The link is second down in my signature line. At the very least introduce omega-3 fish oil - the building blocks for your own endocannabinoids, a probiotic with at least 50 billion cultures per capsule, and a magnesium supplement.

Treating cancer, as you've learned, is a multi-faceted approach.
Hi Sue, it's not a problem at all! I appreciate any help I can get and just having a brief response is more help than you may realize.

Mom has changed her diet dramatically, introducing more juicing and smoothies into her life. Also increasing more vitamin and mineral intakes she was missing before. I will definitely check out your ECS without cannabis thread! Thanks for the heads up.

You mentioned that Cajun recommended a 4:1 ratio, is there a particular reason for this ratio for lung cancer?
I have 90% thc oil with one syringe that is high in cbd. If i were to do 4:1 ratio, could i add for example 100mg THC: 25 mg CBD?

And finally, mom is feeling better today. I only gave her an oral dose last night to give her a nice night sleep. I think I'll skip the suppository today and see how she reacts. If she feels better then maybe it was the supppository with cacao butter? If that's the case I have already ordered all the products required for the biobomb and will attempt to make those and see if her reaction is different. In regards to the capsule, this may be a silly question but if inserted into the rectum, will it dissolve on its own or is there step required with them?
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