A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

Hi Sue,

Thanks a lot for your help. I read your suggested threads. So Basically the steps are:

1)she should take a pre-Dosage Preparation, i.e. 30–40minutes before the cannabis she takes 80 mg Apinenin. This helps to keep enzymes busy
2)I should create the BioBomb.
3) I should give the Biobomb capsules as rectal suppositories

Correct? Now my doubts:

a) I wanna make it as simple as possible for now. Can i just try for a month the doctor oil via mouth, then make an exam to see the size of the cancer, if no improvement or things got worst I go for the rectal administration?
b) When I will go with the rectal administration, I do not really understand why I need the BioBomb. From what I read it is done in order to trick the liver to think that it has not to digest the cannabis. But if we go for a rectal administration, the THC will go directly in the blood stream cause 2 out of the 3 rectal veins do not go trough the liver.
c) What do you think about my dosing? The pharmacy makes 2 syringes which contain 5 gr of oil each, in total the 10 gr of preparation above (I am not a doctor, but I think I got 10 grams of a mix of two oils, one with 6 grams 14% THC and one 4 grams 9% CBD, giving me after mixing them a product that's about 9% THC and 4% CBS I would say). Since there are about 20 drops in a syringe and I give her 4 drops daily, it means that she takes about 1.25 grams per day. What do you think about this dose?

Hi Sue,

Thanks a lot for your help. I read your suggested threads. So Basically the steps are:

1)she should take a pre-Dosage Preparation, i.e. 30–40minutes before the cannabis she takes 80 mg Apinenin. This helps to keep enzymes busy
2)I should create the BioBomb.
3) I should give the Biobomb capsules as rectal suppositories

Correct? Now my doubts:

a) I wanna make it as simple as possible for now. Can i just try for a month the doctor oil via mouth, then make an exam to see the size of the cancer, if no improvement or things got worst I go for the rectal administration?
b) When I will go with the rectal administration, I do not really understand why I need the BioBomb. From what I read it is done in order to trick the liver to think that it has not to digest the cannabis. But if we go for a rectal administration, the THC will go directly in the blood stream cause 2 out of the 3 rectal veins do not go trough the liver.
c) What do you think about my dosing? The pharmacy makes 2 syringes which contain 5 gr of oil each, in total the 10 gr of preparation above (I am not a doctor, but I think I got 10 grams of a mix of two oils, one with 6 grams 14% THC and one 4 grams 9% CBD, giving me after mixing them a product that's about 9% THC and 4% CBS I would say). Since there are about 20 drops in a syringe and I give her 4 drops daily, it means that she takes about 1.25 grams per day. What do you think about this dose?


The Biobombs increase the bioavailability of the cannabinoids by MANY times. If you look up liposomal encapsulated vitamin c, that is essentially what you are doing with the cannabinoids when making the biobombs. When treating cancer, you want strong steady pressure from them on the tumor(s).:circle-of-love::peace:
Hi Sue,

Thanks a lot for your help. I read your suggested threads. So Basically the steps are:

1)she should take a pre-Dosage Preparation, i.e. 30–40minutes before the cannabis she takes 80 mg Apinenin. This helps to keep enzymes busy
2)I should create the BioBomb.
3) I should give the Biobomb capsules as rectal suppositories

Correct? Now my doubts:

a) I wanna make it as simple as possible for now. Can i just try for a month the doctor oil via mouth, then make an exam to see the size of the cancer, if no improvement or things got worst I go for the rectal administration?
b) When I will go with the rectal administration, I do not really understand why I need the BioBomb. From what I read it is done in order to trick the liver to think that it has not to digest the cannabis. But if we go for a rectal administration, the THC will go directly in the blood stream cause 2 out of the 3 rectal veins do not go trough the liver.
c) What do you think about my dosing? The pharmacy makes 2 syringes which contain 5 gr of oil each, in total the 10 gr of preparation above (I am not a doctor, but I think I got 10 grams of a mix of two oils, one with 6 grams 14% THC and one 4 grams 9% CBD, giving me after mixing them a product that's about 9% THC and 4% CBS I would say). Since there are about 20 drops in a syringe and I give her 4 drops daily, it means that she takes about 1.25 grams per day. What do you think about this dose?


Your suggestion is a good one. With cannabinoid therapies there's a tendency to ramp up too quickly. It always preferred to work slowly, in concert with a medical team doing regular scans. My only suggestion in this case would be to dose four to five times a day, to keep constant cannabinoid presence and constant pressure on the tumor cells.

You're using olive oil in the BioBombs and that carrier oil addition increases not only the efficacy of the cannabinoids but offers additional anti-cancer properties. If you insert suppositories correctly they do bypass the liver, getting more cannabinoids into the bloodstream, but the combination of olive oil, cannabinoids and the encapsulating lecithin have a powerful systemic action that we don't fully understand. What we do know is that it works.

Taking that dose of THC is leaving her feeling out of sorts, or so you alluded. Suppositories get the maximum dose of THC in without the euphoric effects you'll get through the gut. The dosing plan is good, although I'd be happier with that 4:1 ratio Cajun recommends. That much increase in THC will demand you go with suppositories, I'd think.

If your mother is stable, the soundest approach seems to be to keep on with what you're doing, I guess, and wait to see. I'd still recommend you make those doses with BioBombs. It reduces the cannabinoid count per dose, but potentiates them enough that this isn't the concern it appears to be.

If labs come back and things have improved, do a dance of joy and stick to the protocol that's working, until you have solid evidence that it's time to increase the dose.
Hi Sue,

Thanks a lot for your help. I read your suggested threads. So Basically the steps are:

1)she should take a pre-Dosage Preparation, i.e. 30–40minutes before the cannabis she takes 80 mg Apinenin. This helps to keep enzymes busy
2)I should create the BioBomb.
3) I should give the Biobomb capsules as rectal suppositories

Correct? Now my doubts:

a) I wanna make it as simple as possible for now. Can i just try for a month the doctor oil via mouth, then make an exam to see the size of the cancer, if no improvement or things got worst I go for the rectal administration?
b) When I will go with the rectal administration, I do not really understand why I need the BioBomb. From what I read it is done in order to trick the liver to think that it has not to digest the cannabis. But if we go for a rectal administration, the THC will go directly in the blood stream cause 2 out of the 3 rectal veins do not go trough the liver.
c) What do you think about my dosing? The pharmacy makes 2 syringes which contain 5 gr of oil each, in total the 10 gr of preparation above (I am not a doctor, but I think I got 10 grams of a mix of two oils, one with 6 grams 14% THC and one 4 grams 9% CBD, giving me after mixing them a product that's about 9% THC and 4% CBS I would say). Since there are about 20 drops in a syringe and I give her 4 drops daily, it means that she takes about 1.25 grams per day. What do you think about this dose?


Sue gave some great advice. I want to emphasize a couple points.

1) First the good news: colon cancers respond well to cannabis oil treatment, and lung tumors are the easiest place to reach. The metastasized tumors are actually colon cells growing on lung tissue. So two of biggest potential problems are behind us.

2) Now my concerns: Give the doses as suppositories starting now. I avoided this in my first attempt to treat cancer (also metastasis to lungs) and wasted thousands of dollars of oil by taking it orally. That oil was 1:1 ratio of THC:CBD that moderated most of the psychoactive effects but was still hard to tolerate, and it had much lower bio-availability. In contrast, the THC oil with almost no CBD were much more tolerable and effective in my second attempt, which worked. I don't recommend all THC but that's what I had at time. 4:1 or 3:1 ratio would have worked even better.

3) Take Omega 3 capsules with the apigenin, and drink a full glass of water with it. Like Sue said, inflammation is your enemy here, and balancing Omega 3/Omega 6 ratio will reduce inflammation more than any other change in diet. I mention water because it's very easy to forget to drink enough when you feel that sick. Make it a ritual so you always remember.

More good news: The cannabis oil starts working well before you reach the 1 gram/day level. Very early it will start preventing further spread and stop growth of existing tumors. This is progress that probably won't show up on early scans, so don't be discouraged. Keep going and it will work.
I never knew about taking the omega 3 with Apigenin.

Thanks for that :)

The omega-3s you should be taking anyway. They're the building blocks for cannabinoids. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I never knew about taking the omega 3 with Apigenin.

Thanks for that :)

It's just a way to remember to take it without having to ask myself, " Did I actually take it or did I just think about it and forget again?" :rofl: If you need 4 or 5 doses of each it's easier to do it all at once.
It's just a way to remember to take it without having to ask myself, " Did I actually take it or did I just think about it and forget again?" :rofl: If you need 4 or 5 doses of each it's easier to do it all at once.

Oh right. I thought there maybe some magic by combining them :)

I'm like that with my coconut oil caps. I never can remember how many i take :)
Dear all,

I have decided to move toward rectal administration. My mum cannot tolerate anymore the side effects (being so high). I kindly ask if you could please answer the following questions, I have so many doubts:

1) I think I was not clear when I reported the prescription here. The twe listed were 2 types of cannabis not 2 types of oils. The type of cannabis are produced in The Netherlands and can be found here (Google Translate ). I called the pharmacy, they told me the procedure they use to make the oil. They follow the paper of Citti et al, 2016 (Medicinal cannabis: Principal cannabinoids concentration and their stability evaluated by a high performance liquid chromatography coupled to diode... - PubMed - NCBI). They use ethyl alcohol as a solvent. The final concentrations are:

THC: 311 mg/ml
CBD: 134 mg/ml
THC-A: 76 mg/ml
CBD-A: 84 mg/ml

Therefore, since each syringe is 5 ml (which are also 5 grams since the density is about 1), I have 311*5= 1555 mg of TCB in it. And since each syringe has about 36 drops and I give her 4 drops per day (at once), each syringe have 9 doses (i.e. it lasts 9 days). Therefore, she takes about 5/9=0.55 grams of oil per day, and 1555/9=172 mg of THC per day in a single time before going to sleep. This gets her pretty high already. What do you think about it?
2) When you speak of "1 gram/day of cannabis oil" what do you mean? Do you mean 1 gram of THC? Or of oil (i.e. THC,CBD,THC-A,CBD-A, plus terpenes plus god knows what else is left after alcohol evaporation, maybe some water)?.
3) Given that the previous dose makes her pretty high, what dose should I use daily in the rectal suppositories?
4) Which type of suppositories and applicator do you suggest? We have never done this, we really appreciate any detailed suggestion/procedure.
5) Sue you say: Properly inserted the suppositories offer a sense of wellbeing, not overwhelming euphoria. What does it mean? Can you be more specific about the technique we should use?
6) how many mg of omega 3 should we use? You said 1000 IU a day, I have never heard of IU and google does not help. I will give it 40 mins before the cannabis together with 80 mg Apinenin, Is it ok once per day before sleeping?

Thank you again a lot
Dear all,

I have decided to move toward rectal administration. My mum cannot tolerate anymore the side effects (being so high). I kindly ask if you could please answer the following questions, I have so many doubts:

1) I think I was not clear when I reported the prescription here. The twe listed were 2 types of cannabis not 2 types of oils. The type of cannabis are produced in The Netherlands and can be found here (Google Translate ). I called the pharmacy, they told me the procedure they use to make the oil. They follow the paper of Citti et al, 2016 (Medicinal cannabis: Principal cannabinoids concentration and their stability evaluated by a high performance liquid chromatography coupled to diode... - PubMed - NCBI). They use ethyl alcohol as a solvent. The final concentrations are:

THC: 311 mg/ml
CBD: 134 mg/ml
THC-A: 76 mg/ml
CBD-A: 84 mg/ml

Therefore, since each syringe is 5 ml (which is 5 grams since the density is about 1), I have 311 mg of TCB in it. And since each syringe has about 30 drops and I give her 4 drops per day (at once) she takes about 311/30*4=41 mg/l of THC per day in a single time before going to sleep. This gets her pretty high already. What do you think about it?
2) When you speak of "1 gram/day of cannabis oil" what do you mean? Do you mean 1 gram of THC? Or of oil (i.e. THC,CBD,THC-A,CBD-A, plus terpenes plus god knows what else is left after alcohol evaporation, maybe some water)?.
3) Given that the previous dose makes her pretty high, what dose should I use daily in the rectal suppositories?
4) Which type of suppositories and applicator do you suggest? We have never done this, we really appreciate any detailed suggestion/procedure.
5) Sue you say: Properly inserted the suppositories offer a sense of wellbeing, not overwhelming euphoria. What does it mean? Can you be more specific about the technique we should use?
6) how many mg of omega 3 should we use? You said 1000 IU a day, I have never heard of IU and google does not help. I will give it 40 mins before the cannabis together with 80 mg Apinenin, Is it ok once per day before sleeping?

Thank you again a lot

1) If I understand you correctly you have syringes with 5 ml of an excellently balanced oil for the treatment. Also, you're only dosing once a day? This part must change. I understand why you'd choose bedtime for this, to limit the euphoric concerns, but you're leaving the tumor cells free from the cannabinoid bombardment necessary to tear tumor cells apart or keep them from spreading.

We want continuious cannabinoid presence, and that's done best with suppositories, administered at least three to four times a day. KR knows more about the dosing schedule to treat cancer with the BioBombs.

2) One gram a day is one gram of oil, the oil you have mixed. In the syringe that's measured, as you know, in ml. With the BioBomb formulations we base it all on the ratio of carrier oil to cannabis oil, so a 10:1 mix would be 10 parts of carrier oil (olive oil if you can) for every 1 part of cannabis oil, and the liquid sunflower lecithin to top it off.

The interest in concentrated cannabis oils became big due to the relentless efforts of Rick Simpson. Without adequate support from the medical community he was left to his own devices to figure out what dose would most consistently bring a body back into homeostasis. He settled on one gram a day of CCO, or RSO as much of the world knows it. What we're learning as more clinical data funnels in from a more responsive medical community is that it takes much less than that 1 gram a day to effect natural healing and balance out damaged bodies.

The policy now is to start low and gently increase doses to fit the individual patient, hoping to have some imaging and lab work to drive the protocol.

3) My gut feeling is still to go with the 10:1 capsules and start with three doses a day. If she tolerates this well, go to four doses as quickly as possible. The BioBomb mix will potentiate the cannabinoids beyond what she's getting now. When you're ready to make another batch go to the 5:1.

One syringe, converted to BioBombs will make 55 capsules at the 10:1 strength. When you calculate that out you'll see it's only 5.65 mg of THC per capsule, but don't let that shake your confidence. You're increasing the bioavailability, and one of the reasons the oil she's prescribed is so high in cannabinoids is that the understanding is it'll go through the gut and only a small percentage will get into the system. BioBombs get into the system much more efficiently.

4) You can use a capsule as a suppository. Insert with the edging pointing away from the body for a more gentle insertion. If you insert too deeply it goes to the liver and euphoria ensues. We're trying to avoid that, so you don't want to insert any deeper than the first joint of the finger used to push the suppository in. Cajun has detailed instructions on this. Please read them carefully.

CajunCelt on suppositories

As to practical information, this can be messy, so have a towel nearby to mop up. Women detest being messy with our bodies, so anything to help her feel more comfortable will be greatly appreciated. It really is as simple as it sounds; lie on the side, lift the opposite cheek to expose the entry point, insert, and clench the cheeks together to help melt the capsule and contain any leaking. Wait patiently about 10-20 minutes and clean up. Panty liners come in handy for between doses. There will be a certain amount of leakage, be assured of this. :battingeyelashes: The empty capsule most often works its way out, making that panty liner even more valuable.

As an alternative, the oil can be pulled up into 1 ml syringes. This is actually much easier to deal with for some. I've been considering this option myself, if only to get the experience. In this case, insert the tip just into the opening and plunge slowly, so as not to squirt it too deep.

5) You're trying to keep the oil at the end of the colon, where it gets absorbed directly into the system, bypassing the first-pass through the liver. Applied in this manner the body responds with what I equate to a sigh of relief, a sense that all's well within me and the universe. It's really low-level euphoria, akin to what anandamide creates within you naturally.

Inserted more deeply the oil gets absorbed into the liver directly and you experience increased euphoria as the liver enzymes busily convert delta-9 THC to 11-hydroxy THC. This can't hurt your mother, but it's the euphoria she deals with now, and she's stated that it's a bit much. Get the insertion right and you have happy healing without disconcerting euphoria.

It's not difficult to get the depth of insertion correct. You want to be right inside the opening, one joint deep.

6) Sorry about that confusion. I was raised by a mother who used vitamins to the extreme, and they get listed as International Units (IU). Omega-3 fish oils are sold in mg. you want at least 1000 mg of omega-3s a day. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I hope I got it all V. If not, please ask again. You're doing really well. My best to your mother. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Welcome back V.

Following up on Sue's response.
You definitely want to space doses out to at least 3 times per day, ideally 5 doses 4-5 hours apart, with 8 hour break during sleep. That maintains the most even level in system. If she takes 5th dose before bed she will have enough built up during day to last the entire night, just tapering off as she wakes.

With capsules as suppositories I have no trouble with leakage unless I pass gas. Most of the oil is absorbed within 30 min, I try to wait a hour before relieving myself. Occasionally the physical stimulation can cause urge to go. It happens less and less and is manageable.

The difference between suppositories and oral doses is amazing. I could function well after taking 200 mg by suppository, but that dose orally (which I did once by accident) laid me out so that I couldn't even crawl or speak coherent sentences. I was in no danger, actually woke up very refreshed. Even pushed in a little too far the euphoria is not like taking it orally. She probably won't even notice the 1:10 doses and may think the oil isn't doing anything or didn't absorb. Rest assured that it's working.

Best of luck, thinking happy healing thoughts for mom.
Thank a lot Sue and KingstonRabbi for your great answers. Things are much clearer now but I still have some big doubts on some of the points. I keep the same numbering as before so its more clear:

2) I edited a bit the math above in my previous post, it was messed up. Basically since a syringe finishes in 9 days, and it has 5 grams of cannabis oil, I give her daily (in 1 dose before sleeping) 0.55 grams of oil with the above mentioned concentrations of THC and CBD. It seems already pretty high since you guys say I have to aim to 1 gram per day. One thing I do not understand: should I aim to 1 gram per day also when inserted rectally?
3) Linked to question 2: you suggested a 10:1 mix which is 10 parts of carrier oil (olive oil if you can) and 10 of my cannabis oil. I get this. But still I am missing the daily grams of cannabis I should give to her. Given that now I give her 0.55 gr per day at once, which one is instead a good amount to give her rectally distributed in 4 doses per day? Should I go with approximately 0.55/4=0.14 grams per dose (which keeps the total to 0.55 grams per day) or would you suggest to lower it a bit cause it might be too strong for her rectally? Also, is it possible to use multiple capsules one right after the other? I guess so, if I need to reach a certain dose which does not fit in 1 capsule.
4)In the first post of this thread Cajun says: "which will be deeply inserted to the rectum as to hit the hepatic portal vein to quickly move the oils to the liver." and in the post you just linked me Cajun says "Insert the suppositories no more than 2 inches". While in a post above you told me " If you insert suppositories correctly they do bypass the liver, getting more cannabinoids into the bloodstream" and similarly now you say " If you insert too deeply it goes to the liver and euphoria ensues. We're trying to avoid that, so you don't want to insert any deeper than the first joint of the finger used to push the suppository in". So do we want it to reach the hepatic portal vein or not? Also, if the first joint is measured from the finger tips, that means I have to insert the capsule like 3/4 of an inch, right? Not 2 inches as cajun says. Sorry for the confusion.
5) I read Cajun link about freezing suppositories...I am a bit confused is that different from Biobombs? are you saying that instead of puoring the olive oil/cannabis oil mixture in a capsule as in the biobomb, should I pour it in a mold (like this Suppository Molds maybe?) and freeze it, then remove it from the mold and stick a frozen thing in the rectum? Does not it hurt on the rectum wall at such a low temperature?
7)Finally what about using this Suppository applicator instead of fingers? Suppository Applicator .

Thanks a lot for all your help again
Thank a lot Sue and KingstonRabbi for your great answers. Things are much clearer now but I still have some big doubts on some of the points. I keep the same numbering as before so its more clear:

2) I edited a bit the math above in my previous post, it was messed up. Basically since a syringe finishes in 9 days, and it has 5 grams of cannabis oil, I give her daily (in 1 dose before sleeping) 0.55 grams of oil with the above mentioned concentrations of THC and CBD. It seems already pretty high since you guys say I have to aim to 1 gram per day. One thing I do not understand: should I aim to 1 gram per day also when inserted rectally?
3) Linked to question 2: you suggested a 10:1 mix which is 10 parts of carrier oil (olive oil if you can) and 10 of my cannabis oil. I get this. But still I am missing the daily grams of cannabis I should give to her. Given that now I give her 0.55 gr per day at once, which one is instead a good amount to give her rectally distributed in 4 doses per day? Should I go with approximately 0.55/4=0.14 grams per dose (which keeps the total to 0.55 grams per day) or would you suggest to lower it a bit cause it might be too strong for her rectally? Also, is it possible to use multiple capsules one right after the other? I guess so, if I need to reach a certain dose which does not fit in 1 capsule.
4)In the first post of this thread Cajun says: "which will be deeply inserted to the rectum as to hit the hepatic portal vein to quickly move the oils to the liver." and in the post you just linked me Cajun says "Insert the suppositories no more than 2 inches". While in a post above you told me " If you insert suppositories correctly they do bypass the liver, getting more cannabinoids into the bloodstream" and similarly now you say " If you insert too deeply it goes to the liver and euphoria ensues. We're trying to avoid that, so you don't want to insert any deeper than the first joint of the finger used to push the suppository in". So do we want it to reach the hepatic portal vein or not? Also, if the first joint is measured from the finger tips, that means I have to insert the capsule like 3/4 of an inch, right? Not 2 inches as cajun says. Sorry for the confusion.
5) I read Cajun link about freezing suppositories...I am a bit confused is that different from Biobombs? are you saying that instead of puoring the olive oil/cannabis oil mixture in a capsule as in the biobomb, should I pour it in a mold (like this Suppository Molds maybe?) and freeze it, then remove it from the mold and stick a frozen thing in the rectum? Does not it hurt on the rectum wall at such a low temperature?
7)Finally what about using this Suppository applicator instead of fingers? Suppository Applicator .

Thanks a lot for all your help again

In question 2) and 3) you are doing math on your fully concentrated oil. The suggestion is to do the dilution (10:1) - after this the calculation is for 1 gram of diluted oil. So do not think to much about the total THC, The math is in the mixing strength.

In question 4) that link is for Liver cancer, the only time you want to insert deep is for liver cancer (or to get very very high.) For every other cancer, insert shallow and all the rest of the directions work .

In question 5) and 7) suppositories are messier and more work than capsules. The suggestion to you, is use capsules.
Thank a lot Sue and KingstonRabbi for your great answers. Things are much clearer now but I still have some big doubts on some of the points. I keep the same numbering as before so its more clear:

2) I edited a bit the math above in my previous post, it was messed up. Basically since a syringe finishes in 9 days, and it has 5 grams of cannabis oil, I give her daily (in 1 dose before sleeping) 0.55 grams of oil with the above mentioned concentrations of THC and CBD. It seems already pretty high since you guys say I have to aim to 1 gram per day. One thing I do not understand: should I aim to 1 gram per day also when inserted rectally?
3) Linked to question 2: you suggested a 10:1 mix which is 10 parts of carrier oil (olive oil if you can) and 10 of my cannabis oil. I get this. But still I am missing the daily grams of cannabis I should give to her. Given that now I give her 0.55 gr per day at once, which one is instead a good amount to give her rectally distributed in 4 doses per day? Should I go with approximately 0.55/4=0.14 grams per dose (which keeps the total to 0.55 grams per day) or would you suggest to lower it a bit cause it might be too strong for her rectally? Also, is it possible to use multiple capsules one right after the other? I guess so, if I need to reach a certain dose which does not fit in 1 capsule.
4)In the first post of this thread Cajun says: "which will be deeply inserted to the rectum as to hit the hepatic portal vein to quickly move the oils to the liver." and in the post you just linked me Cajun says "Insert the suppositories no more than 2 inches". While in a post above you told me " If you insert suppositories correctly they do bypass the liver, getting more cannabinoids into the bloodstream" and similarly now you say " If you insert too deeply it goes to the liver and euphoria ensues. We're trying to avoid that, so you don't want to insert any deeper than the first joint of the finger used to push the suppository in". So do we want it to reach the hepatic portal vein or not? Also, if the first joint is measured from the finger tips, that means I have to insert the capsule like 3/4 of an inch, right? Not 2 inches as cajun says. Sorry for the confusion.
5) I read Cajun link about freezing suppositories...I am a bit confused is that different from Biobombs? are you saying that instead of puoring the olive oil/cannabis oil mixture in a capsule as in the biobomb, should I pour it in a mold (like this Suppository Molds maybe?) and freeze it, then remove it from the mold and stick a frozen thing in the rectum? Does not it hurt on the rectum wall at such a low temperature?
7)Finally what about using this Suppository applicator instead of fingers? Suppository Applicator .

Thanks a lot for all your help again

Hello again V. :hug: Lets give this a go. Don't worry about asking questions. Our intent is that you be comfortable going forward, and we'll keep at it until you're there, ok?

2) You'll be making BioBombs, which are more efficient than the way she's been dosing, so the smaller cannabinoid count in the BioBombs isn't a concern. She'll actually get more cannabinoids in with the capsules.

Just to be clear, when I say "1 gram a day" I'm talking about 1 gram of concentrated cannabis oil, not 1 gram of the BioBomb mix.

It probably won't be necessary to get to a full gram a day, but we won't know that until some tests show how effective the regimen is, or your mother starts to demonstrate healing is going on at the current dose. I'm suggesting you go with the 10:1 mix BioBombs for one syringe, and see how she tolerates it. If she's fine with it stay there until there's good reason to increase the dose.

Follow KR's scheduling guidelines.

3) The 10:1 mix, 10 parts carrier oil, 1 part CCO, 2 parts liquid sunflower lecithin, will give you 11 capsules that will each contain 93 cannabinoids per capsule. Your oil is a nice mix of cannabinoids with loads of healing potential. As BioBombs you increase the potential. She shouldn't have a problem tolerating them. Rectal administration removes the concern about euphoria.

If you go with the recommended 5 doses at the 10:1 mix she'll be getting in excess of 450 mg of cannabinoids in a day.

Yes, you can use multiple capsules to get the dose increased. This shouldn't be a concern for you right now. Stick to the 4-5 doses a day, using capsules as suppositories.

4) That post by Cajun was directions for himself, treating liver cancer. In that case we want you to insert deeply so the cannabinoids will be whisked to the liver, where the tumor cells are proliferating. You're treating colon cancer, so you want them shallow, just to the first joint from the fingertip. You want the capsule to be inside deep enough to not be pushed right out, but not much deeper.

It's not as easy as it sounds to get one inserted deeply. :cheesygrinsmiley:

That post confused most of us too V, so don't beat yourself up. I'm laughing as I write this, remembering the grief I put Cajun through with multiple PMs about this very post. :laughtwo:

5) Cajun recently stopped just to tell us don't bother with trying to make suppositories with a mold. They're more trouble than they're worth when we can more easily use the BioBomb capsules to get the same results. Capsules travel easier, are cleaner to use, just more convienient all around.

There's always the option of 1ml syringes V. This is a real handy option, and travels easily too.

When Cajun started this thread he had a dream of teaching us to pay closer attention to bioavailability. If you're going to use this medicine, get the greatest benefit you can. From that dream arose the BioBombs. From one innocent post that caught our imaginations, we went to work in the study hall hammering out some formulations. So his dream has evolved, and part of that evolution was the understanding that the capsules make excellent suppositories as well as valuable oral meds.

7)This looks like an excellent tool. I recommend it. It'll take a little practice, but great find V. :high-five:


If you need more clarification, keep asking. :battingeyelashes:
Thanks, I am starting to have the picture clearer. A few more things:

2) Sue you say that " when I say "1 gram a day" I'm talking about 1 gram of concentrated cannabis oil". While radogast just said " is for 1 gram of diluted oil." Could you kindly clarify this once and for all, please? When I do the biobomb do I have to progressively aim to get in my mum's body 1 gram of cannabis oil (plus clearly 10 of olive oil if 10:1 ratio) per day or do I have to aim to 1 gram of diluted oil (mixture cannabis olive oil) per day as radogast says?
3) I think there are some typos here, correct me if I am wrong. With "93 cannabinoids" you meant 93 grams of cannabinoids right? I guess you were referring to (I copy and paste from the biobomb post): 10:1 = 1 cc CCO + 8 cc carrier oil + 2 cc lecithin gives 1000 mg /11 capsules = 91 mg cannabinoids per capsule.
8) When doing the biobombs, how long should I boil the water for while I stir ? Minutes, hours? Just an order of magnitude. I guess until it becomes uniform.
9) About the process of putting the biobomb in the fridge and then warm it at ambient temperature and stir it... how long do I have to stir and how many hours does it have to stay at ambient temperature? Do I always have to do this process twice? After done this, I fill the capsules and then I store them in the fridge right?
10) How long (after one stops taking it) can the rectally-administrated cannabis be detected by blood/urine/hair analysis?

Thanks a lot for all your help again
Thanks, I am starting to have the picture clearer. A few more things:

2) Sue you say that " when I say "1 gram a day" I'm talking about 1 gram of concentrated cannabis oil". While radogast just said " is for 1 gram of diluted oil." Could you kindly clarify this once and for all, please? When I do the biobomb do I have to progressively aim to get in my mum's body 1 gram of cannabis oil (plus clearly 10 of olive oil if 10:1 ratio) per day or do I have to aim to 1 gram of diluted oil (mixture cannabis olive oil) per day as radogast says?
3) I think there are some typos here, correct me if I am wrong. With "93 cannabinoids" you meant 93 grams of cannabinoids right? I guess you were referring to (I copy and paste from the biobomb post): 10:1 = 1 cc CCO + 8 cc carrier oil + 2 cc lecithin gives 1000 mg /11 capsules = 91 mg cannabinoids per capsule.
8) When doing the biobombs, how long should I boil the water for while I stir ? Minutes, hours? Just an order of magnitude. I guess until it becomes uniform.
9) About the process of putting the biobomb in the fridge and then warm it at ambient temperature and stir it... how long do I have to stir and how many hours does it have to stay at ambient temperature? Do I always have to do this process twice? After done this, I fill the capsules and then I store them in the fridge right?
10) How long (after one stops taking it) can the rectally-administrated cannabis be detected by blood/urine/hair analysis?

Thanks a lot for all your help again

Good morning V. :hug: I like your back-and-forth method of questioning. It's helping us get it all pinned down. :battingeyelashes:

2) The "1 gram a day" protocol refers to 1 gram of concentrated cannabis oil. It's a standard developed by Rick Simpson that has since been refined by more complete clinical care of patients. No one was expecting that we were all overdosing our endocannabinoid systems with that much THC. It demonstrates the value of the medicine and the dynamic strength of the ECS that even in overload cannabis can assist the ECS in its healing charge, but that high a dose isn't often required. Most patients see positive results on far less cannabinoid levels.

I'm not certain what Rad meant there, but I'll clarify this right here to mean 1 gram of CCO.

I don't believe you'll need to get to one gram a day. My gut is that she's going to respond to 4-5 doses at the 10:1 mix. You may find yourself going to the 5:1 mix, but let's give her system time to respond to the 10:1 first.

3) Yes, that was a typo. I try hard to catch them, and I'll try harder when we deal with numbers. Sorry about the confusion, and thank you for being patient with me. :cheesygrinsmiley:

8) You bring the water to a boil and then turn the flame off. You don't want it to get any hotter than that. If you find you need it to heat up again you bring the water to a boil and cut the heat immediately. Once you try a batch this will all make more sense. It can be intimidating the first time, but it's really a simple process that you'll quickly become comfortable with.

9) You refrigerate it for 24 hours. This gives the lecithin enough time to get everything finely dispersed and encapsulated. I bring mine back to room temperature by setting the jar or dish my mix is in into a warm water bath. This speeds up the process of coming back to room temperature. As soon as it's warm begin stirring. KR recommends you mix and refrigerate another day if the mix isn't homogenous enough. You want there to be no separation before you fill capsules with the mix.

Bring it to room temperature and then stir. If it holds without separation, fill capsules and store them in the refrigerator. They tend to weep at room temperature. Although the capsules seal shut they don't seal completely. Liquid is very opportunistic and will find a way out if one can be found. Storing in the fridge keeps things from seeping.

10) The metabolites they test for with cannabis can be detectable for longer than a month, although for most people the blood work will come back clear after a month. I'm not certain about hair testing. The phytocannabinoids get stored in the fat cells and released over time, which is why they're detectable so long.

I believe we should all be ingesting cannabis, if only through juicing. It's a basic nutrient that works in concert with the body's own healing force in a way no other food source does. Someday we'll put those testing concerns that have imprisoned so many of our brothers and sisters and limited so many in their cannabinoid therapies out of business.

Stepping off the soapbox now. :battingeyelashes:

Keep asking V. You're so close I can smell it for you. :laughtwo:
Great I think the picture is getting clearer and clearer. I hope these are the last two points I want to clarify:
a) I went to the local Pharmacy here, and I asked if they have gelatin capsules 00. They have them, but they were a bit concerned about using them with olive oil, not really big concern but his point was: why dont you make suppositories using the standard carrier such as Suppocire AM, liquid ( C10-18 TRIGLYCERIDES, basicaly hard fats: https://www.farmalabor.it/prodotti/materie-prime/12983333-suppocire-am.html)
In the comments down here Backdoor Medicine: How Cannabis Suppositories Can Save Lives - Cannabis Digest they say " Tests done with Gel caps have been mixed. They require a fair amount of liquid to break down properly – and rectal applications don’t seem to work well". So now I am really debating if I should do gelatin capsule as biobombs in the way you explain or I should get the Suppocire AM and suppository mould and do suppositories?
b) If I go for the capsules, should I use extra-virgin olive oil or coconut oil ?

Great I think the picture is getting clearer and clearer. I hope these are the last two points I want to clarify:
a) I went to the local Pharmacy here, and I asked if they have gelatin capsules 00. They have them, but they were a bit concerned about using them with olive oil, not really big concern but his point was: why dont you make suppositories using the standard carrier such as Suppocire AM, liquid ( C10-18 TRIGLYCERIDES, basicaly hard fats: https://www.farmalabor.it/prodotti/materie-prime/12983333-suppocire-am.html)
In the comments down here Backdoor Medicine: How Cannabis Suppositories Can Save Lives - Cannabis Digest they say " Tests done with Gel caps have been mixed. They require a fair amount of liquid to break down properly — and rectal applications don't seem to work well". So now I am really debating if I should do gelatin capsule as biobombs in the way you explain or I should get the Suppocire AM and suppository mould and do suppositories?
b) If I go for the capsules, should I use extra-virgin olive oil or coconut oil ?


a) Despite their contentions we have used the capsules with great success. I have no problem with them, and the ease it worth considering. I believe KR's regimen was done with capsules as suppositories. The standard carrier is a long-chained fatty acid that will be absorbed in the way olive oil will, but it lacks the other medicinal benefits of olive oil.

You'll get medicinal benefit from the cannabinoids without the biobomb application, but you won't get the increase in bioavailability. You gain the increase over oral that rectal offers, but not to the extent the biobomb formulation will offer. Having said that, the important thing isn't that you choose this method over their suggestion, but that you choose a method that you're comfortable with.

If you choose the standard carrier be absolutely attentive to use every opportunity to include methods for competitive inhibition. This will increase the efficacy of the suppositories regardless of the medium you choose to bind the cannabinoids to. In this case the suggested method is what Cajun laid out in post #50, where you're mixing the CCO and the carrier medium half and half.

b) Go with olive oil. It's a healing force in its own right and a valuable asset against cancer tumors.

Feeling more confident V? You asked all the right questions. Big hug for mom. :hug: :love:
Thanks! A few things:

b) If I choose the standard carrier, should I use cocoa butter as Cajun says in #50 or should I use the carrier Suppocire AM which the farmacy suggest? As for preparing the suppository, in #50 I cannot find the timing nor the temperature. which temperature should I reach for the cocoa and cannabis oil mixture? Maybe like for biobombs boiling temperature then turning off and mixing until it gets uniform? If I choose to go for Suppocire AM the pharmacy said I should warm up at 38 celsius degrees (100,4 fahrenheit) and mix it until it gets uniform.
c) Just to make sure, I guess I cannot make suppositories by using the suppositories mold (without capsules) if I make the biobomb with olive oil and lecitina right? Cause I guess it would not get solid in the fridge, or am I wrong?
d) My mum is feeling really high and weird today, I think 0.55 grams orally are too much for her, she gots progressively higher and higher in this 2 weeks we gave her cannabis. For the first time she is not even hungry tonight, usually she would eat a lot!! I think I am not gonna give her any cannabis drop tonite, I think she should take just a little break, also to see if she feels this way cause of the cannabis (but to me it looks like she does). I need absolutely to stop oral administration and start to give her the suppositories one of next days. Is the sunflower lecitine necessary? Cause I have olive oil but the lecitine is not available here, I had to order it from UK it will take 10 days to get here. Could I do tomorrow some suppositories just olive oil and cannabis oil? Or I can buy tomorrow soy lecitin in powder form, thats the only one I can get in a shop (I made like 30 phone calls!).
e) And if for now I inject the cannabis oil with a syringe in the rectum the way it is without any carrier? I just wanna get her some in the system and get her rid of the side effects. Which kind of syringe would you suggest to buy?
f)I will buy tomorrow Apigenin and omega3. the 80 mg of Apigenin has to be taken 4 times 40 mins before each of the 4 daily doses of cannabis (i.e. 80x4=320 mg per day total) or it was meant to be 80 per day?

Thanks a lot.
Thanks! A few things:

b) If I choose the standard carrier, should I use cocoa butter as Cajun says in #50 or should I use the carrier Suppocire AM which the farmacy suggest? As for preparing the suppository, in #50 I cannot find the timing nor the temperature. which temperature should I reach for the cocoa and cannabis oil mixture? Maybe like for biobombs boiling temperature then turning off and mixing until it gets uniform? If I choose to go for Suppocire AM the pharmacy said I should warm up at 38 celsius degrees (100,4 fahrenheit) and mix it until it gets uniform.
c) Just to make sure, I guess I cannot make suppositories by using the suppositories mold (without capsules) if I make the biobomb with olive oil and lecitina right? Cause I guess it would not get solid in the fridge, or am I wrong?
d) My mum is feeling really high and weird today, I think 0.55 grams orally are too much for her, she gots progressively higher and higher in this 2 weeks we gave her cannabis. For the first time she is not even hungry tonight, usually she would eat a lot!! I think I am not gonna give her any cannabis drop tonite, I think she should take just a little break, also to see if she feels this way cause of the cannabis (but to me it looks like she does). I need absolutely to stop oral administration and start to give her the suppositories one of next days. Is the sunflower lecitine necessary? Cause I have olive oil but the lecitine is not available here, I had to order it from UK it will take 10 days to get here. Could I do tomorrow some suppositories just olive oil and lecitina? I will buy tomorrow Apigenin and omega3.

Thanks a lot.

b) One of the main reasons we developed the capsule format was because we had no luck in getting the suppositories to work with the lecithin and additional carrier oil in the initial recipe Cajun posted. Once we went to capsules all those concerns fell away.

When you bring the water bath to boiling and turn the heat off at that point you're at the temperature where things will mix together. We try to use as little heat in the process of combining the components as possible. Try not to work with the mix over a flame. This is why I suggest heat the water to boiling and then cut the flame.

c) Cocoa butter will work best with suppositories in a mold, because it stays stable below 75 degrees F, I believe it is. Olive oil won't work with suppositories, even as a small addition. It makes everything too fluid. The addition of lecithin, which is one of the main reasons the BioBombs work as intended, will also throw off the stability of the suppositories.

You might want to look into the 1 ml syringes V. They hold an individual dose, and are so easy to administer. This would remove all concerns about making and storing suppositories. You'd simply have 11 small syringes all ready to go for every gram of CCO you process at 10:1. Store them in the fridge the same way you do the capsules. We had a patient in the last year who was a student in college, and this was the method that worked best for her schedule, as well as being easy to dose herself when her mother wasn't there to assist her.

d) Go ahead and make the initial mixes without the lecithin. Replace the lecithin amount with olive oil. This will give you the same volume and the same cannabinoid count and allow you to get the ball rolling on getting your mother away from the intense euphoria. When the lecithin gets to you make the switch with the next batch. The important thing is to get consistency in the dosing schedule to keep that pressure on the tumor cells and get her to the point where she can function in daily life without a struggle.

e) Mix the CCO with olive oil at the 10:1 ratio, 10 parts olive oil to 1 part CCO. Load that into the syringes.

f) My apignen capsules are 50 mg each. I take two of those per dose myself. I'd like to hear KR's take on this, but I can tell you the dose Cajun mentioned was 80 mg per dose of CCO, making it at least 320 mg a day at four doses.

Cajun's oncologist recommended 1,500 mg a day for him, although he refused to take that many pills a day.
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