A couple of questions for the pros - Newbie here


New Member
Hi everyone! I've been lurking here a bit, and you guys and gals are awesome. :goodjob:

With that being said, let me tell you about my girls. I'm a vegetable and house plant gardener with decades of that kind of experience, but relatively new to growing my own bud. I have four girls, they're all White Rhino, and I started them from seed in an organic mix with some humus and composted manure thrown in for good measure, back probably at the end of April or early May. They started out in an outdoor greenhouse at first, until about mid to end of June, when they were moved inside to an indoor grow room. I think so far we've identified fungus gnats, and addressed them with some yellow sticky cards and some diatomaceous earth on the soil, and there's also some other flying bugs that were around, they were bigger than the fungus gnats, looked like small flies but with big eyes, I whapped every one of them I saw for a few days until I didn't see any of them anymore, and followed up with a pyrethrin-based insecticide spray that I sprayed tops and bottoms of leaves with, stems and just lightly on the top of the soil. Now, all of a sudden this morning, we're seeing these leaves showing up all spotted, it looks like magnesium deficiency but I'm not entirely certain, which is why I'm calling on all of you.. I've been doing everything pretty bare bones and organic if I can, gave them organic spikes early on at half strength followed up with some weak composted chicken shit tea....I've added a little epsom salt to the water bucket now as a "just in case"... am I missing anything? Would you be doing anything else? My former CGs were giving me a hand until they had to go off to work away from here, and I'm kind of winging it here on my own now. They were pretty impressed at how nice my plants looked despite lack of all the chems and stuff I could have been using.
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