A few "Q's" about Sativa-Indica Hydrid


New Member
WHats up you all it's been a while sence i been on here, im start to flower on my 2nd grow and i need a lil help figuering out something. I was given some ak-47 seeds and wanna know how can u tell if that that, or can you???...With an sativa-indica hybrid like Ak-47, do you see both types of leaves on the plant when they are growing???? i read that you gotta wait till it starts to flower is that true also???
The leafs blades should be neither fat nor slender but somewhere inbetween. Being able to say weather a plant is of a distinct strain just by looking at it is an ability ,that I for one ,do not have . Being able to tell weather or not a plant is either an indica or sativa or crossbreed is fairly simple. Most strains of weed today are hybred or indica / sativa cross . What percentage of the two lineages are present is anybody's guess.
would the leaves that grows out of the bud look different or would they jus look like a mix of them both???
A mix.
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