A little "Hello" from the old continent


New Member
Hi everyone,

I just registered on the forums. I guess it is good practice to introduce oneself, so here I am.

I live somewhere in Europe (I'd prefer not to say where exactly...). After a looong break, I am currently on my second grow (first time outdoor).




Might do a grow log if I am motivated enough :Namaste:
re: A little "Hello" from the old continent

Glad to have you with us Megawel! :welcome: Would love to see you do a journal! :thumb:
Hello Megawel and welcome!

Nice little bunch you've got there, what strains are they?

It's critical+ ;-) Unfortunately it's from bagseed, so I expect I'll have to deal with a few hermies. Well, I shouldn't say "unfortunately" as, hadn't it been for these seeds, I probably wouldn't be growing again. I just seized the opportunity.
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